compliments| 褒め言葉
when i awoke with the sun in my face again i was actually excited to get going. i wore shorts this time, exposing my legs. usually i was insecure about my thighs but i felt good today. for some odd reason i had a spark of motivation, i was determined to be productive.
keeping with my proactive theme i decided to ride my bike to work today. in hindsight that was a horrendous idea, i mean it was mid-summer. halfway through the bottom of my thighs began profusely sweating due to the heat. the extra moisture made my legs feel sticky and gross, causing me to be uncomfortable.
when i finally saw the store sign i was relieved. i was about to get my lazy as soft the bike and walk the rest of the way.
only thirty minutes after my arrival my temperature had calmed down. the store was as boring as i expected, some of the same customers from yesterday back again. my peppy mood had died down a little bit. i was about to open up my phone when a familiar face caught my eye.
the boy, who i had come to find out was named mattia,was back. this time sporting a huge grin and a handful of snacks. his mischievous smirk making my heart flutter.
he began walking up to the cash register, getting into my line. today his hair was middle parted, and he was wearing grey basketball shorts. when it was finally his turn to check out he opened his mouth to speak.
"i wish i were cross-eyed so i could see you twice," he smiled.
i paused before glancing up at him. i tried stifling a laugh, but fails as my dimpled smile broke out.
"that sounded a little dumb nice try though, but since we're talking how old are you ? " i laughed at his attempt to be romantic.
"you're no fun, i'm seventeen i'll be a senior at pvhs next year," he groaned.
"like passaic valley ? i'm starting there next year," i said my brow raising. a feeling of excitement overcame me once again. for some reasons this boy made me jumpy.
"can't wait to see your beautiful face every day akemi," he winked exaggerating the 'mi' part.
with that i bagged his items, sending him out the door. he looked back and waved to me goodbye, i waved back. as i stood there working for the rest of the day the image of his smile played on repeat in my mind.
short chapters cause it fits i also have three other stories to continue writing 😛