Chapter Seven

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The next few days have flown by, all the drug busts have kept everyone on their toes. I haven't seen Franky but I've heard the girls talking. As soon as I see her, I'm going to have to talk to her somehow. I was busy counting the meds when there was a knock at the door. It was Vera, "Come in!" I said with a smile, "Whats goin on?"

"Some of these women are relentless." She huffed, "They have serious issues."

I took a deep breath and turned around, I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for her to continue. "What happened?" I asked. "Franky Doyle. She's disrespectful and rude. I filed a complaint against her. Don't think she will be getting her parole anymore." She said with a smug smile. My heart dropped, "Shes just going through a lot, don't you think think that's a little too harsh. She's served her time." I said, slightly angrily.

Vera gave me a side ways look, "If I didn't know any better I would think you were defending her."

I sighed and realized I needed to take a chill before she started to catch on. "I just think everyone deserves a second chance, I mean I'm sure she didn't mean it. What caused her to freak out?"

Vera shrugged, I walked into the kitchen when I heard shouting. Doyle had a can in her hand and there was five other women in there surrounding her."

I laughed a little, "See, someone was after her for some reason. They probably were going to hurt her.."

Vera crossed her arms across her chest, "She still disrespected me, she was out of line."

"Maybe so, but just think maybe there was something more going on.. more than you can see." I said. Vera gave me a small smile, "You're probably right..guess it would help if the women would speak up for themselves."
I shook my head, "Ahh well you know how they are about laggers."

Vera shrugged and shook her head, "Yeah.. well thanks for letting me vent!"

"No problem." I said and she walked out, leaving me alone. I continued with my work and heard voices outside. It was Doreen and Boomer, I could see them outside the room but I didn't want them to know I was listening so I stayed quiet and pretended to be busy.

"Franky wanted me to walk her to her cell, Cindy Lou and her crew are after her I reckon. I'm done helping her, she can't do one single thing for me. Fuck her.." Boomer said. Doreen sighed, "I reckon she needs help Booms. We don't want her to get into any trouble.."

"I don't give a fuck!" Boomer whisper yelled. "I guess she was slotted anyways, after throwing  shit everywhere in the education center. Serves her right" Boomer snorted finally entering the room.

"Can ya look at my hands Doc?" She asked. I nodded and hurried to finish with her before rushing off to the slot. I had entered when Governor Ferguson was leaving with Will and Ms. Westfall. As they walked past, I called for Will. He looked back at me and I gestured for him to come here. I stood by the gate that led into the slot. "I need a favor.." I said. Will nodded his head, "What can I do?"

"I need to see Franky." I said, he gave me a confused look. "Now? Can't it wait until she's out." I sighed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "No, I'm worried she's gotten into some trouble... I can't give details but as a Nurse it's my duty to ensure the safety of the prisoners." I said, "I just need to check on her, I'll be quick." I reasoned with him, hoping he would buy my bullshit excuse.

He sighed, "10 minutes..."

"Thank you!" I said and he let me inside, he walked to Franky's cell and scanned me in. He waited at the door, "It's okay.." I said waving him off. He looked between Franky and I before walking away, leaving the door cracked open behind him. I looked to Franky and she stood by the window, she looked relieved to be in here. I walked forward and grabbed her hand, "What the hell is going on?" I asked. She gave me a confused look and I went on "Don't bullshit me, I heard about you and Cindy Lou. The stunt you pulled in the education center and what you said to Vera."

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