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ROSES FOREST GREEN EYES skimmed over her body pointing out flaws one by one

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ROSES FOREST GREEN EYES skimmed over her body pointing out flaws one by one. But what she didnt know was that she had no flaws it was only her mind playing tricks. Once the green eyed beauty heard her best friend knock on her window she quickly ran to her window and opened it. Steve jumped right on her bed as soon as the window was opened. His eyes trailed Rose as she put in a record in her record player.

"Ughh you really have no taste in music" Steve groans while the Henderson girl was bobbing her head to the music beat

"Hey don't start half of these albums are yours anyway" Rose said with a light giggle

"Oh my god I hate you and your smartass remarks" Steve groans into her pillows

"I don't wanna go to school tomorrow I just feel drained every second i'm in that place" stated the lanky girl while falling back onto her bed

"You never want to go to school and you don't even try so i'm wondering where your perfect grades are coming from" Steve said with a crooked smile

"Well tomorrow I have to help the boys with their campaign which i already know is going to take like 10 hours" Rose stated while getting up

"Oh do you think you can give me a ride home from the Wheelers because i'm going to spend some time with Nancy" Steve said smiling while thinking of the blue eyed beauty

What Steve had said hurt Rose. It was probably because the Henderson girl had a crush on the young Harrington boy. But he'll never know that and she doubts he'd like her back

"Sure" Rose replied blankly

"So why do you hang out with those kids?" Steve asked looking at Rose as she was looking through her closet for an outfit for school

"Their like my little best friends i'm apart of their little party plus they have less drama" Rose answered while holding up a AC/DC t-shirt in front of her mirror

"Well then next question what's up with you and that freak Jonathan?" Steve shot her another question

"Hey! don't call him a freak Steve plus he's not a freak he's actually really nice i'd count him as my second best friend I really love him but not romantically" Rose replied while grabbing a multi holed belt and some fitted mom jeans

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever I gotta go bye love you" Steve had rushed out before pecking her cheek and running out the window

For the rest of the night the goddess like teenager couldn't get her best friend out of her head. But other than that Rose started to get a horrible feeling about tomorrow. She turned off her light leaving her in the dark with no thought of what tomorrow will bring.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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