Chapter 40

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Ink cuddled Vigour gently as they sat on the couch. He'd missed the other really much.

Vigour had his eyes closed in contentment. He was happy being close to Ink after so long.

He looked up at Ink. "I have to cook. I'm hungry."

"I could try to cook something for you." Ink suggested.

Vigour looked surprised by the offer. "Really?"

He grinned playfully. "You're not going to paint it are you?"

Ink chuckled.

"No. I really want to try to cook something." He replied.

Vigour smiled and nuzzled Ink gently. "Okay. I trust you."

Ink smiled back, leaning into the touch happily and nuzzling Vigour gently.

He reluctantly got up and went to the kitchen to cook something for his mate.

Vigour sat on the couch, smiling as he watched his mate leave. He hoped Ink could cook something. He wondered what Ink had planned.

Ink went to the kitchen and looked around until he found a cookbook.


Ink stepped out of the kitchen, carrying a plate of something that looked like a burger.

Vigour looked up from his drawing and smiled when he saw Ink carrying a plate with a burger on it.

He smiled at Ink. "Looks good."

Ink managed a small smile. He placed the plate down in front of Vigour.

"Did you make one for yourself?" Vigour asked Ink. He didn't want Ink to be left out from eating.

Ink facepalmed.

"No, I forgot." He replied.

Vigour chuckled softly and waved his hand. A sharp knife formed in his hand from his paints. "Don't worry. Let's share."

"Thanks." Ink replied with a small smile.

Vigour kissed Ink's cheek happily before he cut the burger in half. Despite the knife being made out of paint, it still worked like a real knife. He took one half of the burger and handed Ink the other half.

Ink smiled and leaned into the touch. He took the burger.

Vigour smiled and took a bite, tasting Ink's food. He hummed in thought. Needed a bit more spice and was a little undercooked but all in all, it was delicious.

Ink looked at Vigour curiously as he took a bite. It tasted better than he'd expected.

Vigour ate it all happily. It was good. And from how it was tasting, Ink had made it from scratch.

He looked at Ink and gave him brief kiss on the cheek. "Thanks Inky."

Ink ate his half happily. It tasted pretty good.

He looked up at the kiss and smiled, blushing a small bit.

"No problem."

Vigour smiled at Ink before he remembered something. "Oh yeah. So... the party?"

"Yeah?" Ink asked.

"Do you want to come?" Vigour asked curiously. "Dream promised a lot of dancing and he'll only invite our friends."

"Error couldn't come though." Vigour said with a small frown. "At least, he's not sure yet. He's not used to crowds."

Ink nodded enthusiastically. He really wanted to come.

Vigour smiled happily. "I'll tell Dream you're coming."

Ink nodded with a smile.

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