Chapter 18

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Ink frowned slightly as he paced in the kitchen. He wanted to apologize to Error personally. He had done so many bad things to him...

But he couldn't find him. He had no idea where he could be...

Just at that moment, the destroyer walked into the kitchen brushing off the snow on his jacket. He had gone on a walk around town for a while to think, and received tons of flower crowns too. At the moment he was wearing one on his skull which also has a few snowflakes on it.

He stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted Ink. Shit. He hadn't meant to walk into the same room as the Creator.

Ink stopped his pacing and looked over, seeming a bit relieved to see Error. Fuck. He had had this all planned out. Now that he was face to face with the destroyer, looking up at the much taller skeleton he had no idea what to say.

"Uh... Hi Error." He greeted dumbly, internally shouting at himself. He should apologise, damnit!!!

Error watched Ink warily, trying to figure out his motive. What was he trying to do now?

"uH... hI?"

Ink sighed. Who was he kidding. He'd just apologise and leave Error alone then. He knew the other couldn't stand to be in his presence.

"I... I'm sorry.... for everything I did to you." Ink apologised. He might not know Error's motives but he knew that he had to have a good reason to destroy universes.

Error stood there in silence, his face blank with shock and confusion. He blinked a few times to make sure. Nope. He wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. Ink, the Creator, the person who wanted nothing more than to dust him; was apologizing.

"wHAt?" he said dumbly.

Ink took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure.

"I said I'm sorry. And I mean it." Ink repeated, his eye lights bright with determination.

"I have no idea why you keep destroying AUs and I'm not okay with it but I figured you'd have a very good reason to do it." He explained.

Error discreetly pinched himself to make sure. Nope. He was still awake.

"yOu mEAn tO kEeP tHe bALanCE?" Error asked confused. Honestly did Ink not know about the balance?

Ink raised a brow ridge in confusion.

"... Balance..?" He asked hesitantly. The dark Sanses had mentioned a balance too. He had no idea what they'd meant.

"YoU kNOw. SO tHAt tHe MuLTivERse dOEs'T dEsTroY iTsElf tO nOn-ExIstencE." Error added, not thinking about Ink's reaction to the blunt truth.

"Destroy itself to non-existence?!!" Ink echoed, sounding shocked. Because he was shocked. Very shocked. If it was this important why hadn't anyone told him?!!

"Oh yOU dIdn't'T kNow?" Error wondered before he looked down and mumbled to himself. "daMn. VIgoUr wAs rIGht."

"AlL rIGht, SImplE tHing iS tHaT tHe MuLTivERse hAs a LiMIt. IT's nOt ENdLess. aUs kEEp GroWIng. wiTh sO LiTTle SpAce, tHeY'll tOuCh. AnD wHen tHat HaPPeNs, tHE AUs CrumBle. IF wE're luCkY iT wOn't cAUsE a DoMinO eFFect oN oThEr AuS.

"That's why you kept destroying AUs!" Ink concluded, his eye sockets widening.

"I'm such an idiot..." He whined slightly, face palming.

"hEy Now," Error said sternly, stalking over to gently grab Ink's hand. "yOu mIghT bE aN idIot, bUT yOu cAN't huRt yOURseLf."

Ink looked up, tears in his eye sockets.

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