Untitled Part 30

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Chapter 83.1: The Ranked Carving Knife

Book 11: The Continental Advanced Academy Soul Dueling Tournament

Chapter 83.1: The Ranked Carving Knife

This ray has a paralysis effect, so its real name ought to be Paralysis Ray. Those ranked Soul King and below should be affected after being hit by the ray. How much it affects the soul master is dependant on the individuals cultivation.

Weve already tested it. When used on a Soul King, this Paralysis Ray is so effective that it can numb them for a second. This is on the precondition that the ray must hit a defenceless Soul King who is not protected by soul skills or soul tools. When used on a Soul Ancestor, the ray can numb them for more than two seconds, with the same precondition as before. Moreover, it can numb a soul master with three soul rings of the same rank for at least three to four seconds.

Honoured guests, please note that we tested the ray on assault-type soul masters. The effects will definitely be different when used on other types of soul masters.

The requirement to use this Paralysis Ray is low, but its extremely practical. Its a quality product amongst Class 3 soul tools. The starting bid is a thousand golden soul coins, with every increase not being lower than fifty golden soul coins. The bid starts now!

Someone immediately raised their auction board when Qing Ya finished talking. One thousand three hundred golden soul coins.

Just as Auctioneer Qing Ya said, it was very rare to see a Class 6 master making a Class 3 soul tool. One shouldnt look down on the fact that this soul tool wasn't of a high class because it was extremely practical. Soul Ancestors would find it quite useful. In addition to that, the low requirement for using this tool was its biggest asset.

As a result of that, the auction price for such items was always on the high side. Soon, the price shot past the two thousand golden soul coins mark.

One had to know that the materials used to make this soul tool werent very outstanding other than its ingenious design and the elaborate manufacturing of the formation arrays. It was a Class 3 soul tool after all. It was a relatively high price to pay for a soul tool of said class. Normal Class 3 soul tools would go for hundreds of golden soul coins only.

Just as expected, the bidding paused after it passed the two thousand mark. A few of those fighting to bid at the start were hesitating now. This was because everyone had limited amounts of money in their hands. Moreover, this was only the first auction item.

Two thousand five hundred golden soul coins. At this moment, Wang Yan suddenly raised the board in his hand.

Auctioneer Qing Yas eyes shone, and she smiled sweetly at Wang Yan, who was wearing a mask. Honoured guest number 166 has bid two thousand five hundred golden soul coins. Is anyone going to go higher?

The Auctioneers source of income came through commissions from selling auction items. For example, if an item that cost one hundred golden soul coins was sold for two hundred, the auction house would deduct 10% from the total sum as their cut. Auctioneers would get 0.1% of the amount above the cost of the auction item.

One shouldnt look down on such a small value of 0.1%. It was very normal for a Class 4 auction to exceed a hundred thousand golden soul coins in profit at the end of the day. Since this was Star Luo City, and even the largest auction in the whole Star Luo Empire, they practically had to organise countless auctions every day. A few high level auctioneers usually only appeared once a month, but could earn a lot through commissions.

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