Courtney:I created a group chat just to say happy birthday marcy lynn your a big 1 today
Gwen:thank you so much
Courtney:your welcome and we're are you
Gwen:we're at my mom's because she hasn't seen the baby since she lives in alabama
Brigett:can we see what you got her
Courtney:why so much
Duncan:can we see her
Duncan:sooooo pretty
Baddie:hey guys
Duncan:sup baddie
Baddie:s happen
Duncan:we're are you
Baddie:in prison
Courtney:ermm no your not you wouldn't be able to text us
Baddie:I told the guy if he doesn't give me my phone am gonna punch him.... It was the dumb police officer
Duncan:happened to me once
have you ever wondered what it would be like if total dramarama had social media