Duncan, baddie and burn private chat
Duncan:hey guys
Baddie:s happen
Duncan:do you want to prank Courtney and the others
Burn:hell yass
Baddie:am good at scaring the others
Burn:she is she made her mom pee her pants
Baddie:what about Gwen she seems like a cool and creepy person
Duncan:she's in alabama with Trent and marcy
Burn:so what's the prank
Duncan:so I write a creepy letter and say its from someone
Burn: and what do we do
Duncan:do you guys live together
Burn:ya why
Duncan you'll pretend that someone broke in but don't just start saying someone broke in my house because they won't buy it
Baddie:we know what to do idiot
Duncan:ok let's do it
Burn:Aahh yeh
Baddie:bewear u life Courtney and others
Group chatCourtney:guys
Gwen:what's wrong
Trent:what is it
Heather:oh what's wrong
Al:amigas what's wrong
Courtney:there's a note on my desk
Gwen:let's see
Courtney:there belive me
Brigett:is that your ex
Courtney:that's right it might be scott
5 minutes later
Courtney:guys he swears down it wasn't him
Gwen:what about duncan
Duncan:yes princess
Courtney:did you write this note
Duncan:no I'm already with you so no it wasn't me
Heather:what now
Courtney:there's a other letter
Baddie:what did it say
Courtney:when did you get here
Baddie:what does the letter say
Courtney:it says if you don't accept ill kill your friends burn and baddie
Baddie:ain't no body touchin me
Burn:the window just broke
Burn:baddie did you break it
Baddie:no I'm sitting beside you u idiot
Courtney:theres a weapon on my bed
Duncan:let's see
Baddie:that's a sclythe
Courtney:how do you know
Baddie:I have a weapon room downstairs
Baddie:erm guys our door just got booted in
Courtney:I'm sorry ill write a reply saying OK
courtney:my friendz are nearly being killed
Duncan:it's just a prank
Baddie:Courtney me and burn are fine
Courtney:screw you all
have you ever wondered what it would be like if total dramarama had social media