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-Norman's POV-

Ever since the day that happened in the cafe,me and Emma started dating.

I didn't know that she liked me back but I guess I was glad that Y/n told us..?

"We have to do something about Y/n and Ray also." Emma stated and I nodded in agreement.

"I mean...they probably like each other too,right?" I stated unsurely.

"We need to form a plan!" Emma stated and the two of us spend the next few minutes figuring out a plan.

-Ray's POV-

I entered the library and saw Norman and Emma discussing something in the farthest table.

I headed towards them.

"And then we-"

"What are you two walking about?" I asked as I sat down beside Norman.

"Ah!Nothing!We were talking about...uhh...butterflies!" Emma immeidetly changed the topic which made me raise my eyebrows in suspicion.

"Which butterfly is your favorite,Ray?" Norman asked while smiling gently.

What is with this topic..?

I felt someone behind me

And I know who it is...



I smacked her with the book that was on the table.

"Ow!" Y/n winced as she fall down on the floor.

"Ssshhhh!" The other students and librarian glared at us.

"Gomenasai.." Emma and Ray said in unison before looking at Y/n.

"You okay?"Emma helped Y/n up and tapped my shoulder, making me look at her.

"You should apologize,Ray."

I frowned before starting to read a book."She deserved it.."

Y/n pouted."Meanie.."

Norman looked at me."Go apologize,Ray.."

I groaned before looking at Y/n and giving her an unfazed looked."Im sorry."

"You didn't even mean that!" Y/n sighed.

"Oh well.." Y/n shrugged. "See you guys later,Random classmate asked me to meet him."

((A/n: Don't judge me))

Y/n went outside and I immedietly looked at Emma and Norman.

"Who's Random classmate?"


Random classmate can be anybody you want^^

It can even be your anime boy husband if ya want<3

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