Chapter 15: Home

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Hey guys, welcome back! So if you're reading this I'll assume the last chapter was good, and welcome back for the new one! This one is probs gonna be a bit of a rollercoaster, so buckle up guys and enjoy ♥♥♥


Ryuku's pov:


My life has changed so much, I think I'm going crazy. My family is alive and well. I read Harmony a bed time story tonight and stayed by her side until she fell asleep. I know it sounds weird but I'm kinda scared my family is an illusion, and when I wake up they'll be gone.

My parents spent the evening chatting with me, and I used an older rune to check up on my friends back home. Eldoris was really worried about Ula his sister, remember? So I let them chat together and focused on my family.

I had lost my temper a little because they were still wearing prison clothes, so Finn had ordered some new stuff for them. That had helped me take my mind off the thing really bothering me.

I felt really guilty. I blamed Bella for being the reason I lost them, but she took hits to protect my little sister. Now her life literally hangs in the balance and there's nothing I can do. It made me feel awful, and I couldn't sleep. I listened to Finn and went for a walk, wearing all of my armour and weapons just incase I got attacked, and then went to explore Aquaria.

Honestly, it was very similar to Lemuria. There were few differences, only the fact that I knew it wasn't Lemuria could have given it away. Beautiful roads and side walks, well kept buildings and gardens. Had there not been a war here it would look even better.

When I returned to the castle, it was around 1am. I still couldn't sleep, so I wandered down to check on Bella. I still didn't really like her, but I didn't hate her quite as much. That was progress.

"My lord Princess Bella has not awoken. The King doesn't want anyone to see her." Craven advised when I arrived.

"She's my girlfriend." I protested. "I can if I want."

"No, my lord. Don't risk it. Please rest." Craven said. I sighed and thanked him, and then I headed back to my room. Bella wasn't ok, and I could do nothing, not even see her.

After another hour of no sleep, I got a rune and knocked myself out. I needed the rest for tomorrow. Well today I guess. It's like 2:30am or something.


Evie's pov:


After about 8 hours of sleep, thanks to Eldoris because I don't think I could sleep without him, I had ran down to check on Bella. Her condition had worsened, and Sheldon's description in short was that she was beginning to fall deeper into the spell. She was in the outset of a coma.

Ryuku was pissed beyond belief. With Harmony around him though, he hadn't said anything at all, but I could see him silently seething. His parents didn't even seem to pick it up, but dad sure did.

"Okay, Ryuku, Eldoris, you two are leading the soldiers home. It should only take about a days extensive march, nothing you're not used to boys. Ahliana, Harmony, you two will have to go with the men, because obviously there's going to be hundreds of Lemuria's people returning home." Dad smiled.

"Okay." Harmony grinned. I flew up a little, anxious because Eldoris was going off and Mom had no clue about any of this. Unfortunately, the next part of our job was pulling her out of the coma that seemed considerably inevitable.

"Dad, where is she now?" I asked.

"In the infirmary. You'd better get down there." Dad nodded. I quickly kissed Eldoris, and he gave me a hug because I needed some emotional support, then ran down the hallway.

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