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vampires exists

Do you ever feel this sinking feeling in your gut that no matter what you got and no matter what people gave you and how much you received, you'll just never be satisfied?

There's always this nagging feeling which keeps telling you that its not enough, that you need more than just whatever it is being given to you, that you'll always crave for more, that all you can do is just take, take, and take until everything and everyone runs dry— deep to the core.

It feels like sinking your teeth on someone's neck so deep that even though you promised you'd stop, you would never be able to do just that. Because all you can feel is how supple their skin under your touch, how their blood ripples faster as their heartbeat quickens when fear begin to take control, how smooth and savory the blood tastes on the tips of your tongue, and how you feel so much in control that it becomes addictive because its not just about blood anymore.

After a while, its only about you and how powerful it makes you feel when you sucked them dry.

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