• Draco Malfoy • Rotten to the Core •

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A/N: I'm so so so sorry. I know it's Descendants and that is, like, really old, but I couldn't think of a better title. Sorry again.

Y/N's POV:

You swayed your hips as you walked down the halls towards the Great Hall. Anybody who valued their life moved out of your way. You were a L/N. You were the only child of P/N (parent's names), two of the closest Death Eaters in Voldemort's inner circle. People feared your family, everyone knew of them. They were known for the murder of Orion and Walburga Black.

A first year squeaked as he bumped into you. He looked up at you, pure fear in his eyes.

"Flipendo," you muttered. He went flying down the hall, people parting like a curtain as he went. Just as he was about to make contact with the wall, Professer McGonnagle rounded the corner, the boy knocking her over. Everyone looks up in your direction as a short laugh escapes your lips. The old professor looks up, and for a brief second, the two of you make eye-contact. This was broken when you took off sprinting, with her after you, screaming at you to stop.

You round a corner, throwing yourself into an alcove. McGonnagle passes by your hiding spot, the students hot on her heels. You snicker to yourself as you slip out and casually stroll down the hall, back the way you came.

As you enter the Great Hall, all eyes turn to you. You glare at the few people who actually dare to make eye contact. As you walk down the Slytherin table, people shrink in your presence, friends and couples scoot closer to each other and people draw their robes closer around themselves as you turn your icy stare towards them. But one person didn't act the same way.

Draco Malfoy.

He smirks at your ego as you sit down opposite.

"If egos were visible, then people wouldn't be able to see thier's, only your massive one," he remarks.

"What was God thinking when he mixed your ugly face with that perfect hair?" you quip back. Realising what you said at the end, you grow cold. "Wait-!"

"Was that a compliment, L/N?" Zabini pipes up.


"It was!"

"Was not!"

"Oh, L/N! You flatter me!" Draco says, interrupting your's and Zabini's bickering. You scowl at him as you delicately eat your breakfast. A fleck of wet bacon hits your cheek from the side. You wipe it off with a napkin and turn to face Goyle, who was shovelling shocking amounts of bacon, eggs and beans into his mouth with amazing sound effects.

"Goyle! You foul git! Eat properly!" you shout at him. A few heads, including those of some Gryffindor's, turn to you at the sound of commotion.

"Ok, mum!" Goyle snaps back. Your nostrils flare and eyes fill with rage. You punch him extremely hard in the side of the head.

"Miss Y/N!" Snape's drawling voice sounds from behind you "Detention. Now."

You sigh and pick up your bags.

"See ya, suckers. Y/N L/N, OUT!" you scream, making the hall go quiet and all heads turn to you. Noting this, you say:

"Listen to Brendon Urie, he knows best."
(Yes, I was listening to Panic!At the Disco whilst listening to this 😂😁✌️)

You run to your detention and slip into a chair. Everyone being at breakfast, the room was empty.


It was break when the most amazing thing happened:

The room was empty as Foolish Flitwick (a nickname you had come up with - post any more that you come up with, any others have to be better than 'Foolish Flitwick' 😂) had gone to the kitchens to get you and him some snacks, because he was nice like that, when suddenly:


Draco Malfoy walked in. He took the seat next to you and you place your chin on your fist, facing him.

"And just why has the perfect Draco Malfoy gotten a detention?" you ask.

"Ok, a) you are really having it with the compliments today, aren't you?" - you blush red - "b) are you blushing? c) I got caught skipping class and now I'm stuck here with you for the rest of the day," he grumbles. "I shouldn't even be here! And I only made it extend to tomorrow by running and hiding from Filch until now! Besides, I was only going to the toilet and that stupid Trewlany forgot to give me a flipping note! I can't even- mmhh!"

He was cut off by you kissing him full on the lips. He kissed back after a few seconds of shock.

"Still don't wanna be here?" you ask.

"I mean," he says extremely quickly, before kissing you again, this time more heated.

"Be mine?" he whispers.

"Hmm, I'll think about it," you answer with a peck on his lips, but he grabs the back of your head, extending the kiss.

"You really are Rotten to the Core,"

A/N: Well there you have it... tell me what you think please, it is really appreciated ✨🍸✌️

Word count: 863

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