Chapter 2

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2.The Arrival

"Excuse me, which way is it to the train station?" I asked the first approachable airport security guard I came across. Getting lost in Sydney airport after a 25 hour journey, of which I hadn't managed to sleep a wink, was not ideal.

"Straight down the escalators Miss," the middle aged guard pointed me the direction of the escalators, above which was a large sign reading train station next to an arrow pointing down.

"Oh. Thanks. Sorry, long flight."

Long flight was an understatement, my second 14 hour flight had felt like an eternity thanks to the uncomfortable and far too cosy middle seat I had been seated in next to the CEO of body odour if there ever was such a title and Linda, a 55 year old Liverpudlian who was on her way to visit her son in Sydney, whose life story I now knew but wouldn't wish to recall again as she had spent the entire flight reciting it to me. I couldn't wait to arrive at my hostel, shower, get changed into a bikini and head straight to the beach to sleep all day.

I followed the directions down to the train station until I came to a halt at the ticket gate. Right, I needed a ticket, of course. A ticket booth was situated to the right of the barriers, which luckily for me, I managed to locate without the help of a security guard.

"G'day Miss, how can I help you this morning?"

"Please can I get a ticket to Bondi Junction?" I asked. I had done all my research before arriving in Australia. I knew exactly where I needed to go and how to get there. I just hadn't researched how expensive that may be, so was shocked when the ticket officer told me "That will be twenty dollars fifty for the journey and ten dollars for your Opal card which makes it 30 dollars and fifty cents altogether."

"Oh. Is there any cheaper way of getting to Bondi Beach? Perhaps a bus?" I asked. Although I had been saving a long time to come to Australia I didn't have enough to be spending an excessive amount on public transport, I thought I was being frugal by opting for the train instead of an Uber!

"Yes, you can take the four hundred bus, change at Bondi Junction then get the 333 straight to Bondi Beach which will cost three eighty. Minimum top up is twenty dollars though, so if you're wanting to purchase an Opal card today that will be thirty dollars total. You can then continue to use your remaining balance on any other journey you take on public transport." The officer informed me with a smile.

"Ok that's great, thank you!"

As the ticket officer issued my Opal card and took payment it hit me that I was here. I was in Australia! I had always wanted to travel Australia, it had been a dream for as long as I could remember. The stunning beaches, the amazing scenery, the year round heat and sun, the healthy lifestyle of yoga, coastal walks and Acai bowls. I remember when I discovered there was such a thing called backpacking and that Australia's East Coast was an immensely popular backpacking destination, perfect for stepping out of my comfort zone, being brave and finding myself (cliché, I know), as well as providing a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends which, apart from Nora, I had struggled to do at home. I then discovered the working holiday visa and I realised I could have the best of both worlds, live the Aussie life style I wished for in between travelling up the East Coast and hopefully further afield. So that was my plan. Work nine months in Sydney to save some more money, travel Australia then conquer the rest of the world.

"Here you go," the officer slid the Opal card towards me with the receipt. "Enjoy your time in Australia."

"Thank you!" I beamed, taking my Opal card from the officer and setting off towards the bus stop. The bus stop which I didn't have a clue how to get to.

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