The Beginning

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An Introduction

Species Dysphoria; Species Dysphoria is a condition in which a person feels that their body is of the wrong species. Many with this condition believe it is because their body does not reflect their inner identity. As a result of this, the person may feel discomfort or confusion.

gen·der dys·pho·ri·a
/ˈjendər disˈfôrēə/
the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex.

                              Chapter 1

Bakugou is on the train heading back to UA. He got a pass from one of the staff so he could get snacks for "movie night." This isn't exactly his idea of fun, but Kirishima begged him so he didn't really have a choice.

From the moment Bakugou left the convenience store he felt that something was off. He has that feeling on the back of his neck that someone has been following him. The train finally reaches his stop and he gets off. He can still feel someone's eyes glued on him.

He decides it'd be smarter to try and lose the creep instead of leading them back to UA. Maybe he can get a few punches in before the sunsets. It's the beginning of December and the air is already crisp with ice. He pulls up his big furry hoodie to cover his ears from freezing. He's not very fond of the cold. He's wearing his favorite green winter coat that he got as a gift from Kirishima.

He walks in random directions not exactly having any place in mind. He still hasn't turned to see who his supposed fan even is.

"Are you gonna turn around and face me or are you gonna keep running away." Bakugou chuckled and turned to face his opponent.

He's way younger then Bakugou expected, and smaller. The kid stands with his arms out baring his sharp claws and canines. He doesn't even have a coat on. He gives Bakugou a low growl which only makes Bakugou laugh more.

"Hah you think some little mutt is going to scare me?" Bakugo scoffs, "Go home kid before your mommy gets worried." He swings the bag of goodies over his shoulder and continues walking back.

With-ought warning, the the child pounces on top of him causing them both to fall onto the hard pavement. The kid tries to reach Bakugous throat but he blocks him with his arm. There's a loud crunch and Bakugo feels the worst pain he has ever felt in his life. He lets out a deafening scream in agony as his arm is crushed by this 4 foot child. His claws slice into Bakugous right cheek barley missing his eye.

Bakugo gives off a final blasts to the wild child's head and he run off into the dusk. Bakugou lays there in disbelief at what had just happened. His arm aches and he knows he needs to stop the bleeding so he can make it to the infirmary. He groans as he forces himself to sit up right. The damage is unbearable to look at. Part of his flesh has been ripped off of his arm and the rest is covered in blood. Luckily, it was his non dominant hand.

He struggles to take of his bloody coat. He's pretty sure some of his nerves have been severed if not completely. He ties his coat sleeves around his arm to the best of his abilities.

He gets up and starts waddling back to the school. Leaving his shopping bag behind.


*Bakugous POV*

I woke up in the infirmary a few days later. Recovery girl said they found me unconscious at the gate of the school. My memory is still foggy which might be due to the amount of pain killers being pumped into me.

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