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                                     Chapter 2

I woke up to see Kirishimas spiky red hair hovering a couple inches above me. He has a puzzled look on his face that I can't really make out. I force myself into a upright position. I turn and see Kirishima still staring at me from the edge of my bed.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you It's rude to stare?" His eyes remain glued onto me. "Okay E, now you're scaring me." He scoots closer towards me. His face just inches away from my own.

"Dude, were your teeth always that sharp?" He uses his finger to pull my bottom lip down. His sudden disregard for my own personal space provokes more hostility out of me.

I smack his hand away from my mouth and gag at the taste of  it. They didn't taste terrible, but it still wasn't something I'd want to have in my mouth.

"Stop fucking around E. I've already missed enough classes. I can't afford to be late today."  I get up to change out of yesterday's old clothes. I unzip my denim jeans and struggle to get them off with only one hand.

"Here let me help you." Kirishima says getting up from his spot.

"No I've got it." He puts his hands up in defeat and sits back down.

I wrestle with these stupid pants until I finally feel them loosen. In the midst of it all I lose my balance and fall ass first to the floor. I'm of course greeted with more pain which is followed by another high pitched yelp. I quickly cover my mouth in
embarrassment and Kirishima again lets out another giggle that is then followed by concern.

"Bakugou.." He musters and points down behind me. I turn to catch a glimpse of something furry on my floor.

Ah shit a mouse got inside.

Wait no mice aren't that big.

I spin around trying to find the creature but it's quick and always manages to be just out of sight. I continue to try and catch the damn vermin lunging at whatever chance I get.

I'm interrupted by Kirishimas roar of laughter. He's laughing so hard that his face has changed to an even brighter shade of red then his hair. He rolls off the bed and onto the floor still hollering with laughter. I stare at him with feelings of both confusion and annoyance.

"What the fuck is so funny?" He finally recollects himself and sits criss cross on-top of my hard wood floor. He wipes away a few tears from the outer corners of his eyes. He pulls out his phone and snaps a photo of me without any warning. "Hey cut that out shitty-hair !" I snatch the phone out of his hands and was shocked at what I saw.

I scramble towards the mirror sitting up against my wall. Poking out from my blue boxers is a long and fluffy blonde tail. Hidden inside my messy head of hair are large pointy grey ears. The fur is soft and silky compared to my dried out hair.

What the fuck is happening to me?

I look down at my fingers to see the claws from last night still there. In fact they seem to have grown even longer then before. And my teeth, their once perfectly square shape has been replaced by a sharp and triangular appearance. My two canines tripled in size giving off a more beastly look.

I stare in complete disbelief at the monster in front of me. When did this even happen? I didn't look like this last night . What could have caused this.

The answer is obvious but Its a problem I can't focus on at this very moment. Right now I need to figure out how to hide as best I can.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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