ch. 2

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Ambers POV

"Amber!" I heard my dad yell just as id finished packing all my belongings. "Are you ready? Were leaving in five minutes! You hear me?" He yelled at me *gosh he's in a hurry* I thought to myself. "I'm done dad!" I yelled on my way down the stairs and stopping just as I was about to bump into my dad. "Where are your things?" He asked me. "There upstairs dad id have shrunk and brought them down with me but seeing as I can't use magic yet..." I said causing my dad to chuckle in amusement at my predicament.

"Oh amber so impatient. Don't worry you'll be seventeen by the start of term and you'll be able to use magic then, ok?" He told me. I sighed "yes dad I know..."I said rolling my eyes at him "but will you shrink my things for me already? I'm pretty sure I could carry everything if only they were shrunk and packed into two or three bags." Laughing he said "ok ok let's go ill shrink em and well get going" he said walking up to my room while I trailed behind him.

We got to my room and in a matter of seconds all my things got shrunk and repacked into four bags. "There happy amber" my father said looking at me. I jumped on him and gave him a hug."totally dad" I said letting him go. "Oh by the way dad...where are we going to stay?" "Well for now we'll be staying in the leaky cauldron until you start at hogwarts. You'll be able to socialize with more witches and wizards in diagon alley. There's stores of all kinds and even a club for younglings such as yourself. Its a relatively new place." He explained to me on our way down to where he'd already shrunk and packed his own things.

"Sounds interesting dad." I said looking down at the floor. My dad turned to look at me and slowly raised my head up to look at him. " sweety it'll be ok there's so much more that you haven't seen because we live in a muggle city and the only witches and wizards you've met are at school but trust me. You'll enjoy living in a magical community." He said. I smiled "ok dad" then regaining my happy go lucky mood I said "come on dad let's go!"

This caused my father to laugh. Together we picked up our individual bags and headed outside. I looked around confused. "Dad how are we getting to the leaky cauldron?" I asked him clearly oblivious as to how wed reach our destination. My dad had a twinkle on his eyes and smiled "you'll see." and with that he took out his wand and pointed it at the sky. Five minutes later a strange bus like vehical stopped in front of us and opened its doors and nearly scared me to death when its driver stuck out its head.

"Hello sir and young miss welcome to the midnight trolley" I looked at him strangely "but it the middle of the day?" He laughed and looked at my father. "You've never been in the trolley before have you young miss?" "Well I" my dad interrupted me "sorry to interrupt but why don't we continue this once were sitted inside?" I nodded and followed my dad on board and gasped.

"Dad these are beds!" "Yes they are now pick one and sit down." He said before letting himself fall on the nearest empty bed. "Leaky cauldron" he told the driver and as he took off the momentum pushed me back into a bed with dark red covers with skulls*huh these weren't here before* she thought. " miss the beds change with the preferance of the ocupant" *how did he know* I layed down and took a small nap before getting to our destination.

S. Snape's POV

"Anything to drink severus?" The bartender asked me as I stepped into the bar. "Is my room ready?" I asked him. "Yes sir." I began making my way upstairs but halfway thru I said"send me a bottle of firewhiskey to my room" the bartender nodded. I opened the door to my room and unpacked. I liked staying in the leaky cauldron the last two months of vacation just to get used to the fact that I would have to deal with that pesky harry potter.

Suddenly someone knocked at my door*must be my whiskey* I thought while I went to open the door. On the mat lay my whiskey bottle with a not-anything else feel free to ask- I threw it in the trash before heading back to my bed and opening my bottle. *gosh severus get a grip* as soon as the thought popped into my mind I laughed and took a big sip.

"Oh lilly" I sighed taking another long gulp of firewhiskey. Dumbledore was gone, lilly was gone, the dark lord was gone and all I had left was myself. I had my teaching at hogwarts but harry potter was still there finishing his studies. He was a constant reminder of all I had lost. Especially lilly*dam it potter!* I yelled at myself he had her eyes. The most beautiful eyes ev... before I could finish my thought a girls voice interuppted me.

"Wow dad this is awesome rm. 207 and 208, right?" *A girl here?* I thought well its not common but possible. "I got you your own room. I trust you can be responsible?" The girl squealed "yes!" I heard there doors open and close. "Dam it!" I yelled I hated company.

Amber's POV

My dad shook me awake after five minutes "amber we're here." I immediatly sat up grabbed my bags and stepped down before my dad even blinked. "Bye trolley driver." "My name is stan young miss and anytime. Just stick out your wand to the sky and ill be there." My dad got off and the trolley sped away. "Amber once inside becareful ok don't let yourself be too nice." I laughed at my dad.

"Dad when have I ever been "too nice"?" I said. "Amber I'm serious." he told me. "Ok dad. You've thought me well and I know how to defend myself." I said straight faced and saw as my dad smiled before opening the door to the bar/motel.

We stepped inside and went to the bar and sat down. "Two butterbeers and the keys to the rooms I reserved yesterday." My dad told the bartender who looked at me causing my dad to clear his throat and me to laugh. the man got two butterbeers from the back and the keys to two seperate rooms. He handed them to my dad. He gave me one drink and we headed upstairs.

We turned into the highway and I exclaimed "Wow dad this is awesome rm. 207 and 208, right?" My dad looked at me and said "I got you your own room. I trust you can be responsible?" "yes!" I squealed and ran into my room number 207 while my dad stayed behind by the door. "Get comfortable ill be in room 208, ok? Call me if you need anything." And with that he closed the door and left me to myself.

I layed down in the bed and took out my mp3 and earphones. I turned it on and immediatly the voice of bruno mars a muggle singer came out singing It Will Rain and I started singing to its lyrics"if you ever leave me baby... leave some morphine at my door cuz it would take a whole lot of medication to realize what we used to have we don't have it anymore..."

S. Snape's POV

I was laying down on the bed peacefully sipping my whisky at the brink of sleep when an angelic voice started to reach my ears "cuz they'll be no sunlight if I loose you baby... and they'll be no clear skies if I loose you baby...and just like the clouds my eyes will do the same if you walk away everyday it will rain...." I looked up and shook my head that's all the whisky for today.

I put the almost empty bottle on the table next to the bed *im hallucinating now* but no there it was again. "It will rain ay ay ay" I gotta get outta here. I stepped into the shower and let the cold water wash away my drunkeness. I got out and put on a clean robe before stepping back into my room.

I took out a re-energizeing potion and made my way to the door where I bumped into a young witch with beautiful red hair, creamy white skin, and enchanting greenish gray eyes. "Oh I'm sorry I'm on my way to the midnight lantern restaurant my dad told me to meet him there but I have no idea where that is, do you?" She giggled obviously nervous.

"Yes, I know where it is." I said rather coldly. She looked at me a fire burning in her eyes as she turned and walked away. She was at the top of the stairs when she turned to look back at me disdain for me was quite visable. "Take a chill pill I bumped into you but you didn't have to be so rude." And with that she dissapeared thru the stairs.

I slapped myself mentally"snape she meant no harm" I told myself before heading to the shops in diagon alley. *I hope she finds the restaurant ok* I thought as I blindly walked into a store "how may we help you today at the witshes jewelry for all occasions?" I snapped outta my thoughts and looked at the witch who's talked me and was still waiting for my answer. "Ummm I dont know exactly" why was I so out of it.

"Well what type of occasion is it for?" She said sounding a bit too chipper. "Do you have something for saying I'm sorry?" I asked her "oh its that type... well follow me now what would she prefer? Necklace, bracelet, anklets, rings, earrings, or armbands?" I looked at her "what would you recomend for a young witch?"

She directed me to an isle where anklets and bracelets of all kinds where abundant. "This would be age appropiate and right for the occasion." She said but my eyes had already settled on

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