Chapter 1 Friends

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July 4th, 2018
0600 hours
Johns house

John the 16 year old teenager is sleeping soundly on his bed when suddenly the phone rings on his desk next to him.

"Ring ring ring"

"Damn why now? It's the 4th of July people!"

John gets out of his bed slowly and walks to his desk and picks up the phone.


"Hey man"

"Was up Jeremy. Why did you call so early? I was having the best dream of my life!" Said John being so frustrated.

"Was it about your crush? Tell me man tell me!" Said Jeremy

"It was dude it was...... Seriously why did you call?"

"All of us want to meet at your place for the 4th of July party."


"Can we have it there?"


"Come on man! You can invite your crush over and we can bring our girlfriends! It will be awesome dude! Please???" Said Jeremy pleading

"Fine.... Invite everybody and tell them to be here at 12pm."

"Thanks man. I'm on it."

John ends the call and sighs. He walks out of his room into the hallway about 8ft in width and 10ft in height. He is 6ft 1in.

"I got to get the game room ready first."

John runs down the hallway and down the stairs to the game room. The game room has 8 game chairs with cup holders next to each other in a line. There is a 80in flat screen on the wall with 2 bass and treble speakers. Left of the tv is 4 computers and right is 4 computers. There is 2 Xbox ones and 2 ps4 consoles on each side of the tv. The floor is a dark wood with a nice white wool rug. In the back of the game room is a mini kitchen.

"Looks good. I feel like I'm forgetting something. Let's see...."

John paces around the room for about 2 minutes and finally remembers. That idiot lol.

"I need to call Cynthia! I'm so stupid."

"You are stupid!"

"Hey narrator! I'm not suppose to break the 4th wall!" Yelled John

"You already did (troll face)."

"You!" Said John

"Hahaha well no more of this non sense. Let's get back to the story John."

"Alrighty then. Where was I? Oh I need to call Cynthia!"

"(Face palm)" narrator

John take his cell phone out and calls Cynthia.

"Ring ring ring..... Ring ring ring...... Hello?" Said a female voice

"Hey Cynthia it's me. John."

"Hey John! Why are you calling so early?"

"It's 7am. It's not that early."

"John! It's frickin summer! It's early!"

"Ok ok it's early but I was wondering if you want to come over for a party? It's the 4th of July so..."

"Sure! When?"

"12pm. Just bring some refreshments."

"Ok I'll be there then."

"Ok see ya later."

"Bye John"

John ends the call.

"Well this is going to be an interesting day."

To be continued

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