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An evening the person wants to pass the night in a nightclub, where it spends many nights. It starts to dance with all its energies and to drink whole glasses of alcohol every time it takes pauses. It looses the sense of the time and keeps dancing and drinking for hours. Then at a certain point it feels an immense stomach pain. The pain is so  much intense that the person runs in the bath. once it arrived there, it understands that it can't continue the night at the night club. So the person goes back home, with the pain which is weakening him. Once the person is at home, it falls asleep in the bed for the exhaustion. The person wakes up in the morning and the pain is gone, but it wants to go to the hospital for understand why it felt that pain. At the hospital the doctor asks the person if it had ever drunk frequently before the pain, the person says that it drinks frequently most of the nights. The doctor then  does an exam to the person and tells it that its stomach felt an immense pain because is starting to have serious problems. The doctor so tells the person that is better to stop drinking because the stomach could have serious problems because of it. The person then leaves the hospital and comes back home. At home the person starts thinking about its health. The person had never had serious problems, but it could have them if it continues with its vices. The persons, for the first time in its life, starts to deeply reflect about its life and realizes that is ruining it. So, the person decides to stop all its bad habits and to improve itself becoming a better person.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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