1| humming a melody

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Renjun walks to school every morning alone... he's used to it, he blocks out the world with his earbuds in humming the harmonies resonating in his ears. Renjun loves over sized clothing it makes him feel like he's always trapped in a warm embrace .

He doesn't have many friends (aside from his art teacher :/ )he usually sits  on ones own in the art room working on one of his art pieces.

Except for this morning, when he was walking his eye was caught by a tall blonde haired boy sprinting out of his house with a piece of toast stuffed in his mouth and nutella on the side of his pale cheek.

Renjun went to check his watch seeing they still had 40 mins before school started and its was at least a 10 minute walk from his house. So he wondered why this boy seemed to be in such a rush.

 Before Renjun could move out of the way the sprinting boy had already  bumped into him on his way out of his house knocking Renjun's phone out of his hand along with his earphones.

"Oh shit i'm sorry"the taller said while hastily bending down to pick up the other phone handing it to him , the blonde boy noticed the music playing from Renjun's phone , "hey! i know that song it's ummm.... exo call me baby right !" renjun just looked up and nodded, he was about to put his headphones back when he decided to tell the taller about the mess on his face.

"um... you've got a little something on your cheek " he said while gesturing to the others cheek . The taller looked flustered as he hastily turned his head to the side to clean up his face.

"ahaha thanks for telling me" he said as he turned back to face the smaller flashing a infectious candy like smile.

The smaller couldn't help but blush a little bit inside, the taller looked at his phone checking the time before waving and continuing to sprint down the street to the school .

Renjun plugged his earphones back in his ears, stuffed his hands back in his over sized sweater pocket and made his way down the street slowly humming to the song playing in his ears. Untill he started sing out the words

🎵 After your pretty back disappears ~ I turn around and I start to miss you already~ 🎵. 

As he walks into school he slowly shuffles to his locker without disturbing the daily pda of the couple eating each others faces right next to him.
He grabs his math books out and gets on his way down the hallway jammed with students .

As hes about to enter he catches a glimpse of the tall blonde he met earlier, squinting to see what the taller is doing he sees him talking to a girl .

Honestly hes not surprised the guys stunning, he shrugs and walks into the classroom only to see the taller walk in a couple minutes later , "wAiT what ... since when is he in my math class ?" renjun thinks to himself .

His train of thought is suddenly cut off when the blonde boy sits down behind him.

Renjun feels a light tap on his shoulder so he spins around , " can i ahh~ help you " he says clearly distressed"uh yeah you got a spare pen?"he says in a husky voice, he didnt sound like this earlier renjun thinks to himself, instead of saying anything he just pulls a pen out and hands it to him the returning his focus to the front of the class.

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