My Ex-husband is my boss!Part 3

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-Throughout what just happened you went to taeyong.

y/n: M-master are you o-okay? *you asked knowing he isn't okay*

tae: Just call me taeyong or tae and don't worry i'm good *sigh*

y/n: I know you are not tae...

Tae: You don't know what i went through-

Y/n: Listen i still care about you but if you are going to bring up over stupid divorce thing i am not gonna listen to it.

Tae: I know baby-

y/n: Don't baby me tae you know we're over.

tae: *sigh* i know...

y/n: You left me for nothing taeyong*whispers*

Tae: What did you say?

y/n: hmm nothing...

-You were about to go but taeyong grab your wrist and it made you lose your balance and fall over him.

y/n: *struggles* T-taeyong let me go *try to free yourself from his grip*

Tae: listen to me y/n forget what happen in the past and let's start a new relationship-

y/n: AFTER WHAT YOU DID NO- *he suddenly kiss you*

Tae: *Between the kiss* Kiss me back princess

-You just stay still not responding to the kiss and waited for him to finished.

tae: *sigh* Just get ready by 8 p.m, I'll send an outfit for you by 6 p.m.

-He made you get up, you just stayed their clueless looking at his face.

Tae: There's a party that i've organised, so you better get ready by 8.45 p.m.

-Before you could say anything he left you in the office alone.

*Time skips*

-It was about 4 p.m that your work ended. Taeyong left office early from what you heard from mina. You were packing your stuffs and saw a letter with a Rose.

y/n: Huh?*confused* from who is this from?

-You opened it and found a red paper invitation for Mr.Lee taeyong party.

"Good afternoon Ms Kim, you are invited to Mr Lee Taeyong party that will be held in the famous club of S.Korea. The party will start at 9 PM, so we need you to be present in the club by 8.30 pm."

y/n: Oh i need to hurry if i don't want to be late it's already *you check your watch* WHAT ALREADY 5 PM WHY TF TIME PASS SO FAST! *You run out like flash*

-It took you about 15 minutes to reach home since there was no traffic jam.


???: Oh are you Ms Kim by any chance?

y/n: Yes that's me *confused*

???: Mr Lee sent this for you *hands you a red box with ribbon*

y/n: Well thank you Mr??

???: Just call me Lucas*smiles*

y/n: ok then Lucas see you later *waves*

lucas: Yeah bye*waves back*

-You went inside, tossed your bag on the couch and opened the box. Inside their was accessories, a red dress along with a small heels.

y/n: well he stills knows i like red color. *smiles secretly* I better get ready now.

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