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I yawned, and looked over at my clock.

1:00 Am.

Just great...

I went to bed at.... 11:30PM... so...

Hour and a half of sleep! Just what I need!
I sighed and looked over at the door. Maybe I'll get some milk....I heard that milk normally helps people sleep....unless it's like that other myth where big brothers are always protective of their little sisters because that's a lie.
I walked over to the door, and heard loud banging. Almost like footsteps. Out of curiosity, I go to open the door, but then I hear a voice.
"No Elizabeth! Don't open the door!" It said.
I whipped my head around.
"Who's there—" but I was interrupted.
"Shhhhhhh, they are listening. Waiting to find other prey to feast upon, and I don't think you plan on dying today do you?" The voice warned. I furrowed my eyebrows and sat on my bed.
"" I whispered.

"Down here"


"The endo skeleton with the face plate you dummy!"
I looked down at the yet-to-be-named animatronic. It seemed lifeless, but it's eyes were active......I didn't do that....

"Aaannddd back to bed I go" I say as I hide under the covers.
"Elizabeth you aren't dreaming! You can crack the door open if you don't believe me!" The figure of my imagination said. I feel compelled to prove that I'm losing my mind, and take my flashlight. Then I realize it doesn't have any batteries, so I use the next best thing....

A frickin glow stick....

It....should work.

"You're an idiot..."

"Shut up brain"

I crack the door open and hold out my neon green glow stick. And I almost drop it.

I see a disfigured version of Bonnie and a disfigured version of Chica, just as Chris had described.... this was them....they were real.

I slam my door shut and I can hear faint moving, as if they were alarmed by the noise.

'Don't notice me don't notice me don't notice me don't notice me don't notice me' I was panicking.... they were here.... they were real....I've seen them...

"Believe me now idiot?" The foxy asked.
I slowly nodded my head, still holding the door shut, as if it were a way for me to make sure they couldn't get in, despite my door shutting just fine. "Good! So they can't get in here through the door, that's good. What about your window, does it open?" They asked. I shook my head, slowly turning towards my window. "Ok, so they can't enter form the window. And do you don't have a closet? Dang I just realized how small your room is." Why was Foxy so damn annoying?
"Can they get in or not?!?" I whisper shouted, annoyed by how they were just casually insulting my bedroom. Foxy sighed, despite not moving. "No, you're safe. Your brother is trashed though." My brother....Chris.... Oh my god Chris! His doors don't shut naturally, none of them, what is he gonna do?
"I-I have to help them!" I whisper shouted.
"And risk going out there? No. He survived last night, he can do it again, after all, it's already 2 AM" Two Am.... did time really go by the fast? Well...if I can't save my brother without getting my face ripped off... maybe I could work on Foxy...maybe figure out who or... what it was.
"Do you...want me to put on the rest of your face?" I asked.

There was a pause


I giggled slightly and grabbed the faceplates. They couldn't get in so everything was fine.

I worked on Foxy's face for a while. And we chatted. They actually weren't that bad, just really mean when they were nervous, which I understand—I mean, I threw a rock at a kid before going to

"So..." I started, adding on the back faceplate.
"What am I supposed to call you? I don't wanna just call you 'foxy head'" I told them. They sighed. "Honestly...I have no idea...I wasn't even alive until a couple hours ago... I just knew what those things were doing... almost like instinct..." they said. I sighed, as I wound up the last springlock. "Done!" I stated. I brought the Foxy head to the mirror.
"Not bad kid... I actually look good." They said.
"Well of course you do! I made you!" I said sarcastically.
"Lol" they said.

Did they...

Just say...


Out loud....

"Don't judge me! I will bite you!" They said, moving their white pinpricks towards me. I laughed a little as the animatronic threatened me, despite not being able to move.
"No it's just...I think I know what to call you." I stated.
"What?" They asked.
"Lolbit!" I stated.

"That's the stupidest name I've ever heard"

"Too bad!" I said back, smiling.

"Don't I get a say in this?" They asked.

"Nope! A name is what your parents call you, and I built you!"

"Jesus Christ..."

I heard screaming from Chris' room again, and I turned to the clock to see what time it was.

6 AM.

"Don't worry...he made it...."

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