Once upon a time

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful castle in the sky, surrounded by a beautiful city made of marble and gold. There lived among many others, 7 angels. Six brothers and a sister. They all had their tasks, which they should spread among the people. They should bring them self-confidence and pride, show them what beautiful riches they can acquire, that you have to leave some things to others, that you should love, that you should be friendly, that you should share your food and that you should sleep for Energy and a balance. The 7th brother loved to visit the humans and liked to take his sister with him. One day, however, she fell in love with a young human man and when he became seriously ill, she perpetrated to help him with her powers. Her father asked for her death as a punishment. This made their brothers very angry and they pleaded for their beloved sister, but their father didn't listen.

The oldest brother, the angel of pride, became so angry that he rebelled with his brothers for their sister and caused a war among the angels. Their sister died in battle and the angel brothers lost. As punishment, they all fell deep down from heaven. When they fell, the burning anger and all the hatred of the angel of pride connected, and something new came together. A life that they recognized as another family member, although it was only the embodiment of the emotions of the angel of pride.
They all fell into the hell of the devildom, where the demon prince Lord Diavolo accepted them as demon generals. His father, the King, named them. The Age of the brothers originally determined their power, but after the third, a fourth followed.

They called him Satan, the avatar of wrath. Born of hate and anger and doomed to live with these emotions that are not even his own. For his fate and the pain of emotions he has to deal with, the fourth despised the first, because no one else is to blame for feeling nothing but anger, hatred and misfortune. He was embittered, because he is unable to control the only thing that he is made of. His brothers could not handle his anger and avoided his emotions, saying they were bad. The Avatar of Wrath quickly knew that he was really on his own and that no one else, but himself, counted for him. He hid his anger to fit in with his surroundings and learned to smile when his soul ached. He quickly realized that he hardly knew about himself or the world, which made him curious. He figured that knowledge is power.

One day, an old beggar visited him at the door of the House of Lamentation, were he and his Brothers lived, and asked for refuge from a stormy night in the devildom. She handed him a red rose in exchange. The Avatar of wrath smiled at her shape and her little flower, because he has all sorts of roses in his own garden. the woman warned him and said that nothing is what it seems and true beauty comes from within. This made him angry and he rejected the woman. She asked one last time, but the perception of the Avatar of Wrath was too dim with pain to be rejected by her foolish remark. Suddenly the beggar's ugly figure melted and a beautiful witch appeared. The Seventh asked for forgiveness, but it was too late. She had already seen that there was no love in his heart. She enchanted the demons and the house, except for the Avatar of Wrath himself, and said to him that he was punishing himself enough. She left him the rose as a gift and said that if he found someone he could love and who also loved him, the curse would be broken and his brothers would be released. In addition, she gave him a magical mirror as the only view of the outside world, before sealing off the House of Lamentation from the city of the demon prince and letting the residents forget it and its inmates. When the last leaf of the magic rose, when it fades, falls, the brothers are doomed to suffer from the magic of the curse forever.

The years passed as he and his brothers lost hope, 'cause who could ever bring himself to love a demon that only consists of hatred and anger?

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