For All the World to See

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"Ladybug! Ladybug, we have a few questions! Do you have a moment?"

The raspberry haired reporter practically shoved her mic into Merlin's face as he was jostled back and forth by the surging crowd at the hotel's intrance. Once again, he and Chat had saved Chloe's skin from yet another embittered akuma victum and once again the press was eager to chat with them.

Merlin honestly couldn't be bothered, not with his miraculous seconds away from running out of juice and his identity on the line.

But Chat, stupid, kind, wonderful Chat, was just fine with talking to the press, it seemed. And Merlin would be dammed if he left Chat behind to fend again the vicious reporters all alone.

He huffed out a sigh that was far louder in his head and moved to stand shoulder to shoulder with Chat. "Yes, we have a moment."

Chat cut a small glance at him under his floppy blonde bangs, a smile evident in his gaze. Chat might claim to be a private person, but everyone knew he was a slut for the spotlight. He welcomed any chance to talk to those who would make him famous.

Maybe that was why he had always been the one to fall for the invitations to press conferences and interviews that were intended to end in the revelation of their feelings and/or their identities.

People couldn't stand secrets, it seemed.

"Why did you change your look, Ladybug?" The reporter leaned closer, her mic practically touching Merlin's lips as he leaned away from her over-eager stance.

"I.... I felt uncomfortable with my presentation." Merlin wasn't sure if this was really the time to come out as a trans man to the entirety of Paris but the truth was important and it would come out someday.

A part of him welcomed the idea of coming out. After all, he was sure plenty of other young, questioning teens and adults in Paris would benefit from having someone so revered come out as trans.

That was, if he was accepted. That thought gave him pause. What would he do it he was hated by Paris? How many people would lose hope if that happened?

How much hope would he lose if that happened?

"Why were you uncomfortable? If you don't mind me asking?" As if she was asking. As if she cared how he felt about being questioned. She was just glad to have cornered him. She didn't care as long as she got her scoop.

Maybe they would be accepting after all. He had already seen the rumors on social media, the gossip columns saying that one of Paris's great heroes was likely trans masc or lesbian.

People didn't seem to care.

Other than Lila, who had thrown some back-end magazine with an article speculating just that at him and sneered about how 'the trannies were taking over' and 'look you aren't the only freak after all'.

Everyone else had just told her to shut up and respect the person responsible for saving millions of lives.

"I ... I'm a trans man. I felt more comfortable in less revealing clothing."

The reporter had either already guessed or had the good graces not to look shocked. "Oh. You heard it here first guys! A new LBGT role model in the form of our beloved hero her- himself! Thank you for your time, sir!"

It was nice how fast she had adapted and respected him. Perhaps he needn't have worried after all.

Chat merely pulled him away with a barely concealed smile slowly creeping across his face.

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