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I am soo fucked up with my work it feels like i have to do each and everything what should i do i am soo stressed....

Sir,Here is your envelop...
Today you have to give a speech in the university about how you become sucessful in this young age....


It dint mean i have stage fear but i dont want to....l

The principle of the university called me to have a short talk about the speech..

My manager set my meeting with the princi and now i called my best friend Plan to meet me in a cafe because he the only person who can bring some happiness in my life...n

🦁Hey Asshole
🐯Can you please talk to me in manners sometimes with respect
🦁Huff..You respect from me never..


🐯Help me..
🐯I am soo fucked up..
🦁Ehhh...You want some chicks to release your stress..
🦁I can a beautiful hot girl is there
🐯I want to b...
🦁Put your but in your butt and come to meet me in the cafe
🐯Ohkk Done...

Me and my driver drove to the university..
When i step on the floor of the university i felt something really going to happen with me like i dont know something positive or i guess...ummm...i am confused..

Girls at the uni were looking at me cheering for me over my looks and i am loving it but i guess be rude it is much better...

I was passing nearby classes watching what is going on inside...

Painting room....

Whenever i hear this name i felt soo emotiona.. it feels like i left my love for everyone.. i left the thing which i love more than anything...

I took a glance from the window in the room and i saw a guy sitting there and was busy making painting... I cant see his face but his beautiful fingers was coloring the canvas soo good.....

I told my manager to ask the princip. If he is free or not... The room was empty and there was only a guy sitting there painting...

I open the window fully and .....



How can a guy be this adorable..My mind cannot focus on anything instead of him..

Milky white skin...Beautiful white fingers with red paint...Chubby cheeks slim figure..Plump lips..Beautiful toes and bunny hairs...

I asked to god did he sent an angel on earth..

I want to see him from close....I dont know why i am feeling like that but i really want to..

I open the door and slowly was getting close towards him..

1step...Heart beats ..

2nd step...Heart beats..

3rd step...

🐉Ughhhh....Shit i pink color you really fucked my painting and you are totally dark now how my flower will look good now..

Is he talking to his paintings..??
I went close to him..

🐯Excuse me...


🐯What happen with you painting..??

🐉oh you are Perth Tanapon right nice to meet you.

🐯I am asking what happen to your painting

🐉It just fucked up you know i want some light shdes for my flower but it turns soo dark that. .

🐯You have white color.???

🐉Yess ...

🐯Mix it little bit with pink it will turn light red and i can assure you it will look much beautiful..

🐉How can you say that..

🐯I love p...No my friend told me so i remember 

🐉Let me try wait..

He was talking to me all i want to tell him that i love painting and i gues...

🐉Hey..Oh my god look it looks soo beautiful...Thankyouuu soo much naa Perth

He throw his body on me hugged me..He is such a big baby...His strong scent was hitting my nostrils and i am really liking it...

🐉So..Sorry..I just..

🐯Its okk..Hey what is your name..

🐉I am Saint suppapong but you can call me pete😁


Hey sir,Princi is waiting for you..

Fuck you my managers..

🐉Nice to meet you naa sir Perth..Thankyou soo much for helping..


All i want is to hug him back and never leave him..

He left with a smile on his faca and i feel like i also want to smile...


Hey people...
Do you like it...

Finally Ae meets Pete😁❤
Show your love naa
Do comment you opinion bcz it matters the most...
Love you and stay safe❤

Painting on my canvasWhere stories live. Discover now