They're Going to The Underworld

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(Virgil's P.O.V.)

I slumped my bag down and fell into the chair in our Krewe's coffee shop, Christen was on the other side of the table sipping on her coffee.

"So... Virgil." She turned toward me.

"What did you learn?" She said putting down her coffee. I sighed.

"There's more than just the Underworld." I said.

Christen looked confused as Wheazel and her Geist hissed at eachother.

"What do you mean by that Virgil?" She said.

"There are more places then the Underworld where Spirts are." I said.

Christen's mouth was hanging open.

"Oh My God." She said.

"Yeah," I said.

"V-Virgil, do you know what this means? Wait- How did you find that out?" She said. I chewed the inside of my lip a little.

"The Werewolves can... Go somewhere else? Um, One of them did this and started talking about what a Spirt said. I can't see where it is so, that's how I found that out" I said.

".... Virgil, I think we need to talk to some people in the Underworld." An evil glare fell across her face and her Geist; a white rabbit with red eyes and always looked like it just had a funny, and evil, thought, started laughing a terrible sound comparable too a rusty gate slowly squeaking off it's hinges.


"I'm coming too!" Said Joey, he was the owner of the coffee shop.

"Alright. Now, let's go and talk to Alpheus..." Christen said, her eyes burned.

".... I don't think this is a good idea." I said.

They glared at me. I was the most resent to join them, I didn't have good communication with my Geist and they didn't really trust me.

I sinked into my chair a bit more. "Okay, I'll go with you."

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