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We are currently heading to V's sister firm of lawyers... I say "we" because Lisa insisted on coming along with t me... Apparently, she said something about "presence support is always the best"

-Lisa: We are here... This building is pretty big... (amazed)
-Daiya: (gulps) It really is...
-Lisa: (holds your hand) Relax, you'll do really great here... (smiles)
-Daiya: Thanks Lisa, really (smiles) Let's get inside...

We get inside the building, and after being guided by the secretary around, we reach a place where lot of people is waiting

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We get inside the building, and after being guided by the secretary around, we reach a place where lot of people is waiting...

-Secretary: Ms. Kim will be calling you one by one... Please wait here (smiles and bows)
-Daiya: Y-Yeah, thanks (smiles)
-Rosé: Daiya?
-Daiya: (turns around) Rosie?
-Lisa: Oh, I know you... You are the girl who was standing in front of the M-Sikan...
-Rosé: (embarrassed) I-I don't know what are taking about...
-Daiya: Aww, you could have entered and visit us... I would have treated you something... (chuckles)
-Rosé: If you keep on treating everyone, then it is not a business but a waste of money idiot!
-Lisa: Idiot?
-Daiya: You are right, my bad (laughs) Oh, let me introduce you... She's Lisa, my childhood friend...
-Lisa: Y-Yeah...
-Daiya: And she's Rosé, my friend, rival and also-
-Rosé: Don't even try to say it...
-Daiya: Chicken stealer (chuckles)
-Rosé: Yah! (smacks your arm)
-Lisa: Nice to meet you, Daiya has talked to me about you a lot... (smiles)
-Rosé: Yeah, he talked to me about you too... (smiles)
-Ms. Kim: Baek Daiya? You may come inside...
-Daiya: Yeah. Wish me luck, girls (smiles)

-Lisa: So... Rosé... Let me ask you something...
-Rosé: Sure, go ahead...
-Lisa: You are the one who's trying to replace me?
-Rosé: Huh?
-Lisa: You are changing Daiya... He's was not like that before... (sighs) I think you are confusing him...
-Rosé: I haven't done anything...
-Lisa: You clearly did something when he doesn't stop talking about you!
-Rosé: (blushes) I-Is that true?
-Lisa: Yeah... And its really frustrating because he doesn't notice my feelings towards him... (looks down) Just so you know, you can't steal him from me... We've been together since always...
-Rosé: (thinking) She doesn't know that he likes her back?
-Lisa: I think he likes you...
-Rosé: So, what would happen if that's the case, huh?
-Lisa: Nothing, we would become rivals and I would win you as a woman... (smirks)
-Rosé: (smirks) That's how you want it, huh? I was not interesting in Daiya that way... But since you dared me, then I have no option... I'll make him mine... (smirks)


-MS. Kim: Take a seat Mr. Baek...


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Woah... She's really beautiful! What's wrong with siblings Kim? They are both really visuals... I feel a little bit intimidated... I need to focus, M-Sikan's future depends on this...

-Ms. Kim: My name is Kim Jisoo, you are the one who my brother sent, right? (smiles)
-Daiya: Yeah, it's a pleasure to finally meet you noona-- I mean, Ms. Kim... (bows)
-Jisoo: Its okay... I'll let it pass because you are my brother's friend...

Well, not exactly... But okay, thanks.

-Jisoo: So, to which restaurant chain do you pertain? (smiles)
-Daiya: I just opened a restaurant called "M-Sikan" (smiles)
-Jisoo: A simple restaurant?! (surprised) Are you sure that you should apply for this, then? You are competing against big groups, such us P&P...
-Daiya: It's okay, I'm really confident when it comes to cooking (smiles) We may be a little restaurant now, but our food is probably the best one at Gangnam...
-Jisoo: I like how confident you are, bt I need to check if you are saying the truth... (smiles)
-Daiya: Sure...
-Jisoo: Here there's the kitchen, and a piece of chicken... Surprise me (smirks)
-Daiya: Yeah! (starts cooking)

 Surprise me (smirks)-Daiya: Yeah! (starts cooking)

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-Time skip until you are done-

-Jisoo: Okay, you can leave now... Well call you tomorrow with the results... (smiles)
-Daiya: Ah yeah, thanks (smiles and bows)

I leave the office and head to the room where the rest of people is waiting. There, I spot Rosé and Lisa arguing about something... What the hell happened while I was not here?

-Daiya: I'm done (smiles)
-Both: Daiya! (smile and get up)
-Lisa: How was it? (smiles)
-Daiya: I did great... I think that I have possibilities (chuckles)
-Jisoo: Park Chaeyoung, your turn...
-Rosé: That's me... Guess we are competing against each other...
-Daiya: Good luck (smiles)
-Rosé: (smiles) Thanks, Daiya... (follows Jisoo)
-Lisa: Do we need to stay here for the results or...
-Daiya: No, they'll call us tomorrow... Let's return back home for today (smiles) I would like to open the restaurant this afternoon...
-Lisa: I'm craving for some of your food, so I'll be going with you...
-Daiya: Sure thing (smiles)

-Time skip until you are at the restaurant-

-Daiya: Your favourite? (smirks)
-Lisa: Yes, please (chuckles)
-Daiya: Okay!

-Daiya: Your favourite? (smirks) -Lisa: Yes, please (chuckles) -Daiya: Okay!

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-Lisa: Daiya...
-Daiya: Hmm?
-Lisa: You have changed too... (smiles)
-Daiya: Did I?
-Lisa: Yeah... Are you casually... In love with someone?
-Daiya: That's... That's something I'm not interested in... (chuckles)
-Lisa: Really? I think you are lying...
-Daiya: I'm telling you that I'm not... I don't like anyone, Lisa. (serious)
-Lisa: Ow... That's sad, being in love is awesome... (smiles)
-Daiya: (smiles) I'm glad you found someone you love... But right now, I have something more important to do... M-Sikan is my number one priority right now...
-Lisa: I know... But I'm just telling... I mean, what do you think of Rosé? What do you think about me?
-Daiya: You are both my friends... (smiles)
-Lisa: I'm more special, tho?
-Daiya: What do you mean? (confused)
-Lisa: If you ever had to choose between us two, who would you choose?
-Daiya: It depends of what's the reason why I need to choose between you two... If its to cook, then Rosé (chuckles)
-Lisa: If you had to date one of us...
-Daiya: (serious stops cooking) If that's the case and I had to choose... Then... (looking straight at her) It would be you, I would date you in that case, Lisa...
-Lisa: (smiles) I see...

This proves that it worths to wait until he opens his heart. Daiya will end up dating me... We've been together since always, and we'll remain forever til the end too...

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