chapter 1:the number 1 is gone

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This take after index 3 (the anime), misaka worts won't be in the fanfiction (because since i didn't read the light novels i don't know how she would interact with others characters),and i won't follow the plot of the light novels,i will put some picture if  i think it's necessary.

english is not my first language ,so please don't pay too much attention to my spelling mistakes.

touma,mikoto and all the band were back at academic city,but acceleretor didn't comeback to academic city

Yomikawa Aiho and Yoshikawa Kikyou were worried. Acceleretor and last order leave to Russia,but they didn't come back and 2 months have passed the rumored start spreading through the city

the number 1 was missing

mikoto aka the number 3 railgun was with her friend Shirai Kuroko ,Uiharu Kazari and Saten Ruiko in a park

saten was on her computer

« hey ,there a new rumored on the web ! »said saten

« here we go again. » though kuroko

« it's about accelerator ! »said saten to defend herself

this catch mikoto attention

« what does the rumored says »ask the level 5

« it's said that accelerator gone missing »respond saten

« he's gone missing ! »said uiharu her reaction surprise the other

« yeah,since 2 months no one saw him »said saten

« 2 months! »scream mikoto while remembering the events in russia(she doesn't know that accelerator was in Russia)

« what's that reaction !»ask a suspicious Kuroko « do you know him ? »

« no!it's just that i wanted to thank him »said uiharu without letting the railgun respond

« thanks him?about what ? »ask Kuroko,Saten and Mikoto

« that time there was the number 2 ,and he... attacked me. »started Uiharu in a shy way

« you were attacked by a level 5 plus the number 2 and you never told us ! »scream the rest while clearly being angry

« i didn't told you because i didn't want you to worry »respond Uiharu with stress

« ok,what happen »said the railgun who was trying to calm herself

 the three girls were  really interested in the stories of their friend

« well,i was eating an ice cream,and the number 2 appeared and attack me »started Uiharu

« why did he attack you ?! »ask saten who was clearly angry

« he was searching for a little girl i help earlier »answered uiharu

author's note :uiharu help last order to find accelerator while she was lost,but she doesn't see the resembance with mikoto and don't know that last order was searching for accelerator,this is why kakine attack her because he thought she knew where to find last order)

« who was that girl »ask kuroko

« i don't know,i just help her because she was lost » respond iuharu

« ok,what happen next ? » ask mikoto to restart the story

« he started kicking me and... »continued uiharu

« he kicked you! »said saten who was so angry that mikoto had chills

« then accelerator showed up and he attacked the number 2 »said uiharu with joy

« what ?! »saidmikoto [why would accelerator fight thenumber 2 ?,you know what,i don't care,i don't want anythingto do with these guys]

[how is it possible that i wasn't aware of that !]though saten

« Yeah,i saw the report from a judgement member »said kuroko

« they must have been a lot of casualties after all it was a fight between level 5 ! »said saten

« no one was hurt »respond kuroko which surprise the rest except uiharu

« how ?! »said the level 5 and 0 at the same time

« yeah,accelerator was awesome he defeated the number 2 and he protected all civilians during the fight,he was amazing ! »said uiharu in admiration

« i was stunned to when i learned that especially when accelerator isn't known to be a nice guy »said kuroko

[accelerator did that ? Did he somehow change ? No,i don't believe it,he probably had a reason]

though the railun refusing the possibility of a « good » accelerator

« when i think about it, it's not the first time i heard of accelerator saving people »started saten while catching the attention of her friend

« there are rumors that said that he destroyd a slave market,he save children who were taking as hostage and a lot more »finished saten after saying many examples where accelerator save people

« heu..i think we should end the conversation now. »started kuroko

« why ?! »ask Mikoto who was really conflicted she discovered a part of accelerator she never knew [this doesn't add up,he kill half of the sisters and you tell me that he saves many people !]no doubt she was lost

« because we're going to be late to our dorm ! »fastly respond the teleporter

ths wake Mikoto up and she looked at the time on her phones

« your right,we must hurry or we are going to sweep the floor during the weekend,sorry,we must leave »said Mikoto while starting to run with Kuroko

« and they're gone »said saten describing the situation

« and we should too » said uiharu

« yes... and uiharu »started saten

« what ? »ask uiharu

« if something like that that fight between level 5 happen,please tell us »said saten with a gentle smile on her face

« i promised ,i will »respond uiharu understanding her friend

that's it for the first chapter,the next will arrived tomorrow

(don't hesitate to tell your thoughts in the comment)

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