Chapter 1: Brand New Day

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5 months earlier:

I woke up to find myself in a dark room with only a candle as a light. I looked around to see that I was in a bed, a comfortable one at that.

I hear footsteps coming and I quickly hide under the covers and close my eyes to pretend I'm sleeping. My door opens and the footsteps get closer and closer before they stop. I heard a voice say "Oh, My darling. How I miss you. Kenzie, you must follow your dreams and be safe, you never know who is watching. I wish I could tell you more, and yes, I know you are awake."

I quickly uncover my face and stare at the person in front of me.

"Mom...." I say trailing off.

"Yes, little one, it's me." My mom says.

"..But how? I don't understand."

"Soon, my child you will have the answer you seek."

"Mom....I miss you..."

"I know sweetie, I know," she starts. "But know I am always with you. In here." she says as she points to my heart.

"I love you Mom"

"I love you too Kenzie"

I suddenly wake up in a ball of sweat. I silently sob because I knew my mother died when I was ten in a car accident. It was a hit and run and we never found the person that killed her.

After the accident my dad was never the same. He looked at me with one glance and told me that he reminded me of my mother. Later, He started coming home late leaving me money for dinner if I wanted to get groceries or pizza.

He never looks at me and he's never home to see how I'm doing except the time he told me that we were moving. He said we both needed a fresh start after the accident happened.

We packed up our stuff and in two weeks, we were out of there. We ended up in Mendocino, California because my dad had a job offer there. When we first got there it was kind of cold considering it's in upper California so it was definitely colder. There were two weeks until school started, and I spent that time unpacking boxes and making sure everything was clean and that I had clothes washed. I wanted to make a good impression to the people at my new school.

I was a loner at my old school. I didn't really have any friends and I didn't bother to make any either. No one would be friends with somebody like me who lost their mom and barely had a father to look up to.

I'm definitely expecting this school to be different. Today's my first day at Antoinette High School. Named after Marie Antoinette who helped provoke and start the French Revolution and eventually died from beheading.

If you think about it, a school being named after the someone who started a war purposefully is kind of weird and has to mean something but I guess I'll know when I get there.

When I get up to get dressed, I look in the mirror for a couple minutes and recognize my brown hair with natural highlights, my tan skin from all the time spent in the sun, and my violet eyes which I know I got from my mom.

I quickly get dressed in black skinny jeans, a white tank top, my black leather jacket, and a pair of black vans and after that I do my normal routine of putting on eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick and then for my hair I just put it in a ponytail.

I go downstairs to see my dad already gone of course. I grab my backpack filled with the first day necessities and grab my keys to my motorbike and get on and zoom off.

I checked out a map yesterday so I memorized the general area of where I was at. Honestly, I was only about ten minutes away so by the time I got there a whole bunch of kids were getting to school because we only had about 15 minutes until school actually started.

I park my bike (No need to mention again that it's a motorbike.) turned off the ignition took off my helmet and sigh loudly.

"Hey, are you new here?" some random guy said.

"Yeah I am, and you are?" I said.

"Oh sorry. I'm Thomas Tatum."

"I'm Mackenzie Westmont."

"Do you want me to show you to office? I mean if you don't want me to, I don't have to......" He trails off after rambling for a few minutes.

"You can show me to the office, it would be extremely helpful since I just got here. Now...Lead the way." I said, my voice filled with confidence yet amusement at the same time.

"Right." He said.

We walk in side by side and I keep getting weird looks from everyone.

"Why is everyone looking at me like I'm fresh meat?" I whispered with fear in my voice.

"It's because you're the first new kid in a couple years and also probably because you're with me."

"What's wrong with walking with you?"

"My parents are famous doctors in town," He started. "It is a pretty small town so they only do prescriptions and check-ups, stuff like that. They don't have the qualifications to do any type of surgery."

"Oh cool. If it makes you feel any better, my dad and I moved to town so he could come up with new inspiration for his books, since he's a writer."

"It makes me feel a little better. Alright, here we are, the office, just go straight through this door and the lady at the desk will tell you what to do."

"Alright, Thanks so much for your help."

"No problem." Thomas says as he walks away to his class.

Thanks so much for being patient with me guys! I made it longer and there's a different way you meet Thomas I feel like it was the better choice. I changed the song to Brand New Day by Demi Lovato from Camp Rock.

You guys are just fantastic. :)

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