I2I Quirk Tests and Friends?

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"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa."


I sat in my seat as I leaned forward slightly, trying to pay attention to what Aizawa Sensei was saying. "We're doing a quirk assessment test." He said blatantly. A girl with brownish hair who sat next to the guy with broccoli for hair stood up at this change of events. "But what about orientation and the tour?" She questioned frantically. Aizawa looked at her with an 'are you serious?' kind of look before telling her; "Heroes don't wait till after ceremonies, now here are the P.E uniforms. Change and meet me in the training field." 

I walked slowly to the changing room along with Kirishima, Denki, and Sero. I had become good friends with these three, plus Mina, Bakugou however, was not so keen on becoming my friend like the rest. Once we were in the changing room I got myself a stall so I wouldn't have to stare at people or be stared at. I'm keeping my gayness in the back of the closet, and god forbid that one of these boys has a really good body. Lightly shaking my head I pulled the thoughts from my mind and continued to change. I easily passed the exam coming up in 4th place. Wiping the sweat from my face I began walking with the rest of the guys towards the change room, boy did training make me hungry. Thank goodness lunch was next.

I walked into the cafeteria with the pre-made lunch that I made this morning and looked around for a place to sit. Kirishima spotted me from across the room and made a gesture for me to come over there. I hesitantly sat next to him leaving the last seat at the table open. Bakugou happened to come last and got mad about not wanting to sit with and I quote 'some extra,' excuse me? Overall, lunch went pretty smoothly, we talked about the most random things from scam calls to finding Mina a boyfriend. Then an alarm went off, now I'm pretty short, especially for a guy, so when I got pulled into the hallway by Denki I was low-key scared. Eventually, our hold on each other broke and I was forced to the ground like most of the other short people. I had people walking and running on my back, but I was sort of used to this already.

Overall the loud voices I heard Iida's loud voice address the situation and calm everyone down. Once everyone emptied the halls, teachers and a few 1-A students helped up the kids who got trampled, I, on the other hand, got up by myself, and walked back to class. 

English class was a breeze, I quite enjoyed learning new languages in my free time so I was pretty much fluent in a few. Japanese, because it's my first language, french which I was taught through elementary and junior high, and then English. 

When the bell rang I was the first one out of my class as I ran out so I could make it home on time, I, however, missed the time by one minute. My parents were already standing in the foyer, clearly drunk. Boy was this going to be a long night. 


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