I4I "You're gay, right?"

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I held on to his hand and rested my head next to his waist and on the thin sheets of the bed. "Please be okay," I whispered before falling into a much-needed slumber.

Word Count:835


I woke up to pressure on my s/c arm, looking over I saw none other than my crush Kirishima fast asleep with his head on my arm. I stare for a bit before I hear him stir as he opens his eyes, he looks relieved as he sees me awake. "Hi, Kirishima!" I greeted. He smiled "good morning Y/N." He quickly realized that his head was on my arm and started stuttering out apologies. Taking his hands that were waving in front of him I managed to form a sentence in a calm tone. "It's okay Kiri, you just fell asleep." He quickly nodded and relaxed at the fact that I wasn't mad.

A few days passed and I was getting better. I could walk now and I was packing my stuff up and getting ready to go back to my dorm when a certain red-head walked in. "Hey Y/N, good morning!" He greeted me and presented me with breakfast. This has basically become routine since I was stuck in the infirmary for the past week. I nodded and mumbled a quick 'thanks' before turning my attention back to finishing folding my clothes. "So Y/N...can I ask you a question?" Kiri asked. "Uhh sure," I replied, my back facing him still. "D-do you wanna go to like an a-arcade or something tomorrow since its Saturday?" A crimson red blush made it's way to my cheeks as I replied."Yeah! Of course, I would love to!" 

I walked home by myself quietly cheering. I was going to spend the day with my crush! It was like a dream, it almost felt unreal. As soon as I got home I rushed into my room. My parents weren't home today, so I could blast my music and pick out clothes and stuff. I shuffled through the house and up the stairs to my room. The walls were painted f/c and it had dark wood floors. My bed sat in the middle of the back wall next to my desk. I had a dresser on the opposite wall to my bed, and a small bookshelf that kept all my current favourite books. Putting my backpack down on my dresser I reach for my speaker and connect it to my phone. I put my playlist on shuffle as I begin looking through my drawers. After finding a decent casual outfit, I went to my closet where my shoe rack was. I ended up picking a pair of f/c hightop sneakers. 

I awoke the next day and headed downstairs to make breakfast, I ate as fast as possible so I could go get ready. Kirishima was coming for me at around 12, it was currently 11:30. Rushing up the stairs and into my room, I practically threw off my clothes and quickly started getting dressed. After I spent the rest of my time playing around with my hair. In the end, I just let it sit messily on my head, it complemented my casual outfit over my usual neat gelled hair I wore to school. 

Soon enough I heard a knock on the door. I ran down the stairs and to the door. I opened it and was met with a smiling Kirishima. "Hey Y/N! You ready?" He greeted enthusiastically. I excitedly nodded my head as I began walking out the door. I turned around and locked it, then I shoved my keys into one of my jean pockets. We began our walk to the arcade and surprisingly we had a lot in common, we talked about anything and everything. The butterflies only grew as I kept remembering I was getting along with my crush, and he seemed to like me as a friend, which sometimes made my face fall. Kirishima hardly noticed as he kept excitedly talking about different ways to dye hair. 

The next couple of weeks has been the best, I and Kirishima have been hanging out almost every day and getting closer to each other. Today he wants to go to this ice cream stand in a park. I put my books in my locker, taking out stuff I'd need for homework and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I then remembered we were moving into the dorms this weekend. I smiled at the thought of being able to see everyone more often. I kept thinking about the dorms making checklists and other things until I got to the park. Pulling myself away from my thoughts, I began looking for Kirishima. 

Soon enough I found him, he was sitting on a bench facing away from me. I slowly made my way over and tapped his shoulder. He made a gesture for me to sit down next to him. "Y/N?" "Yeah?" I replied, my palms were sweaty (a/n: knees weak arms were heavy.) and clammy. "I don't really know how to ask this..." I let him trail off and find his words. He faced me with a straight face and looked me dead in the eyes. "You're gay, right?"

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