part -3- A new life ...

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(To keep it short and avoid boring details ) Sally that focused only on her studies succeed and now she is studying in the last year of high school to get her baccalaureate degree and get access to one of the good schools or colleges . She is effectively studying hard . The sadest part is that she is still single and pretending she's okay ! But in fact she is feeling a huge gaping hole , feeling like her life is missing its most exciting part , like she is needing somebody to hold somebody to grab her hand , to compliment her to tease her to whisper magical words in her ears , to protect and defend her to confort and catch her whenever she feels like she's falling down ...... she needed all that and it was hurting her a lot but she never react against this . She no longer let this affect her life even if it was hurting her from the inside , because she was hoping to find the one that will see the stars in her tired eyes, the radiance in her morning hair, the sunrise in her lazy smile , and the beauty in her pale skin . And then all of a sudden , she changed , she came back a completely different person . With a new mindset , a new outlook , a new soul . The girl that once cared way too much about everything and everyone , no longer cared at all.

Well in this year she had a new friend that was named jeremy , he was a nice guy and was sitting next to her most of the time , they discovered they have a lot of common points and that they almost have the same way of thinking .... this guy hasn't become her best friend as she was hoping , he was a way much popular and most of people know him and wanted to spend time with him , but they don't actually love him , they're just acting hypocritical towards him and taking advantage from him , but he unfortunately considered them his best friends and love spending time with them even if he knows that they are fake and just pretending . But he respected and appreciated sally . Well , after a long year , sally got her baccalaureate and tried to move on from canada to france to carry on her studies . By coincidence jeremy as well decided to study there . So they both decided to live in paris and to enroll in the same college . Another friend of jeremey that is actually so close to him joined them too . They lived together and with time , they became best friends three of them . They have been having fun together , travelling together , hanging out , shopping together , suffering together , gettimg tired together , doing everything together . Sally , for the first time felt like she has found people that really care about her and love her and she promised herself to do her best not to lose them .

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