Chapter Five - More adventure (EDITED)

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(Guys, I edited the sentences cuz they were spelled wrong)

"I loved your message about Music bringing trolls together. you may be Pop and I may be Country, but Trolls is trolls." Hickory said.

"Trolls is trolls, wow deep." Branch said sarcastically.

Y/N and Poppy give a glare at Branch.

"This is a beginning of a partnership between trolls that's goin to save all trolls!" Poppy said.

"You're darn skippy." Hickory said to poppy.

Y/N and Branch get jealous.

Poppy takes out her map and says,

"Okay, we need to get to the funk trolls before Barb."

Hickory points at the map.

"well, quickest way is down that river. I'll build us a raft." Hickory said.

Branch scoffed. "this oughta be good, Guy probably doesnt know the first thing about building a ra- Before he could say anything, Hickory was already done building the raft.

Y/N looked amazed at the well structured Raft.

"Good job, Hickory." Y/N says.

"Cappuccino, anyone?" Hickory asked.

"Cappuccino? Cappuccin-YES!" Poppy said in excitement.

Everyone except Branch ran to the raft.

"I do want one, But I am NOT happy about it." Branch walks towards he raft.


Poppy, Branch, Y/N, Biggie, and Hickory were on the Raft having a fire.

"Its a nice night, isn't it? Mr. dinkles loves a full moon."

Y/N sits by Hickory.

"Let's get our grub on! Dinners ready!" Hickory shouted.

"Here, Y/N." Hickory handed Y/N a stick with a bug on it.

Y/N smiled. "Thanks, Hickory."

Suddenly, A Smooth Jazz troll emerges from the water.

"LoOk At ThAt GuYs ChEsThAiR." Poppy said.

"PoPpY, I cAn'T fEeL mY fAce."

"It FeElS LiKe I'M bEiNg PaRaLyEzEd By His SmOoThNeSS."

Hickory ran over to Y/N.

"stay put, also, take these and Put 'em in your ears." Y/N did what she was told without a question.

Poppy and Branch woke up as Y/N was watching and laughing at how high they looked.

"Got you Pop babies, soon Barb is gonna have your string, and the world will be rid of cheezy pointless pop music." Chaz said.

"Hickory! help them!" Y/N shouted.

Hickory came outta nowhere.

"Hold it right there, Chaz!" Hickory said.

Y/N has never fell for someone so brave.

"And who are you supposed to be, cowboy pants?" Chaz roasted.

Everyone gasped and looked at hickory.

"Names hickory, and I don't much care for smooth jazz." Hickory roasted back.

"Oh yeah? well maybe you just need the chaz expreience." Chaz started playing his clarinet. (OMG literal squidward)

Hickory waited till chaz was behind him when.....



Everyone blinks at Y/N.

"Sorry, heh, too excited." Y/N said.

She tried to change the subject.

"Soo, uh, how did you do that?" Y/N asked.

"Gumdrops: SoundProof and delicious" Hickory gives a thumbs up eating the gumdrops.

"Who was that guy?" Poppy asked.

"One of the many bounty hunters looking for ya." Hickory replied.

Y/N wandered, How did he even know about the bounty hunters?

Just then, Biggie starts complaining.

"That was awful! so smooth and easy and awful!" Biggie said.

Hickory pats Biggie.

"I know, buddy it's enough to put you off jazz altogether." Hickory said.

"Alright, that's it! we need to go home!" Biggie said.

"Biggie, it'll be okay!" Poppy said.

Biggie replied back not in a happy voice, but in a rage voice.

"STOP SAYING THAT AND LISTEN TO ME! you only hear what you wanna hear and it puts us all in danger! how are you supposed to save the world if you can't even keep us safe? you made a pinky promise to me, Queen Poppy. and you broke it." Biggie said.

Y/N watched the two friends fight.

Biggie puts mr. dinkles in the water and sails off.


"Biggie no.." Poppy said.

Y/N felt bad for Poppy.

What were they gonna do now that Biggie was gone?

Hey guys! I'm back! I was at my mothers for a weekend! My sisters birthday was on may 10th Happy b-day to you sis! also I had to write ALL OF THIS DOWN IN A JOURNAL! It took like ten minutes and I used up like, 6 or 5 pages. I hope you enjoyed this! if you enjoyed this, you can Hashtag #Hickoryisbae If you want!

Hickory x Reader (a Trolls World Tour fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now