1. Sick Day

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This takes place in the first book before Bella goes to the Cullens' house. She does already know what they are. Enjoy.

I knew as soon as I opened my eyes that today did not feel right. My stomach curled and my head was pounding. I rolled over onto my side and held in a groan. The last thing I wanted was to be sick today. I yearned to go to school, even though I knew it was not for the right reason. Edward had just started to sit with me during lunch, to his siblings' and my freinds' disappaproval, and I did not want to miss our short interaction.

I pushed myself up from the comfort of my warm bed and instantly regretted it. My knees felt weak, and my stomach curled again. I rushed to me and Charlie's shared bathroom and doubled over the toilet. Barfing up whatever contents of my stomach that I could did nothing but make my head pound more. I sat on the cold floor beside the toilet for a few minutes to make sure I was done.

I eventually pulled myself up from the seat on the floor and stared at my reflection in the mirror above the sink. I was insanely pale, more so than usual and nearly as pale as the Cullens, and my eyes looked sunken in. I gulped as I realized this is what I would look like if I was a vampire as well. A cold sweat had broken out above my brow. I held my hand to my forehead and noticed it felt hot.

I searched through the bathroom looking for a thermometer but could not find one. Knowing Charlie, he probably did not own one, and seeing as how he left for the police station at five in the morning and was not home, I could not ask. I pulled my dark hair back from my face and wandered down to the kitchen. Charlie might store his there instead. After moments of searching, I finally found one. The thing looked old, and most likely, it had not been used in years. Slipping it under my tongue and waiting for the beep, I sat down. My stomach was still feeling queezy.

I pulled the thermometer out at the fist beep and groaned in disappointment. A 101.5 fever would not be acceptable at school. I frowned and slumped back up the stairs to my bedroom. I did not know how long I would feel so sickly. The longer I felt this way was the longer I had to stay out of school and away from Edward. I craved all of the time I could get with him.

I considered phoning one of my closest friends Jessica Stanley and telling her I couldn't make it to school and ask her to bring my any homework as an excuse for Edward to read her mind and know I was safe, just sick. But Jess might already be at school or on her way by now. Then it dawned on me; Alice probably saw that I was sick and staying home, and she would tell Edward. Though I still felt very sick, that thought made me feel better.

Pushing the blankets off of me and back on every few minutes and running to the toilet was not fun. I usually did not get sick easily, as I had a pretty good immune system. I was not used to feeling so ill.

I laid around the whole day. I started read Pride and Prejudice again for the millionth time. I managed to scarf down a turkey sandwich for lunch, but it upset my stomach. I smiled to see that my body did not puke it up. The fever had went down considerably. The idea of returning to school to see Edward made me very happy.

I was back in bed, reading, when I heard the doorbell ring. I hurried to mark my spot in the book and rushed to the window. Down, parked where Charlie parks the cruiser, was a shiny silver Volvo. I gasped and brushed my fingers through my hair to try and tidy myself. I doubted I looked presentable.

I pulled open the front door. There he was, on my doorstep. Perfect looking Edward Cullen, with his bronze colored messy hair and designer clothes that fit just right. He stood before me, the tiny droplets of rain splattering down on him. He looked flawless. In his hands were a few papers. He used his muscular body to sheild them from the rain.

"May I come in?" He asked politely.

I nodded helplessly. He had dazzled me to the point where my mouth seemed how to forget how to speak. I stepped back to allow him into my house. He stepped in slowly, shutting the door behind him.

I looked up at him, waiting for him to speak again.

He took his cue. "Alice saw that you were sick today. I brought you your biology work you missed." He held out the few papers and I took them.

"Thank you." I managed.

"How are you feeling?" 

Sweaty, cold, nauseous... dazzled. "I feel fine. Getting better."

He stared at me with his light topaz eyes as if he suspected there were more, which I am sure he did. He had always said he could not read my mind and that it irked him tirelessly. He could not understand me as he could anyone else.

"I hope you feel better, Bella," he murmured, sounding very caring and sincere. My heart raced.

"Thank you, again." I could feel my face flush.

He didn't speak. Edward nodded once, opened the door and stepped out into the rain. I couldn't hear his Volvo start or drive away, but knew he was gone.

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