3. Summer with Edward

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The last few days of Junior year at Forks High School were different. They were different because I had a group of friends who enjoyed my presence, because I had finally felt completely at home at Charlie's house, and because I was with Edward.

Edward went everywhere with me. He walked with me to my classes, sometimes offering to carry my books or my bags, and always lightly kissed my cheek with his stone cold lips as a goodbye. He would drive me home most days, except for when he was absent from school or leaving early to hunt animals for blood. His siblings, mostly Alice, were around me a lot more as well.

On the very last day of the school year, Edward drove me home to drop off my things.

"Would you like to come to the meadow with me, Bella?" He asked as we pulled into my driveway. He parked and quickly ran to my side to open the door for me. I refrained from telling him to act more human. He never listened.

Our meadow was a very special place. It was Edward's safe haven, and yet he had chosen to share it with me months ago. It was there that he showed me who he truly was as a vampire. We had laid there for hours, asking questions and memorizing one another. It was a place of pure bliss.

"Yes," I said. I walked past him and to the door, opening it and letting Edward follow. He followed me up to my bedroom and sat on my bed as I set my bag down in the closet. Won't need to touch that for a few months.

"Did you enjoy eleventh grade?"

I smiled. "Did you?"

He chuckled. "Which time?"

He had me there. While I had only experienced one junior year, Edward had experienced many. I could not understand how it would feel to redo high school over and over. Him and his siblings had all completed both high school and college multiple times, as they had to pretend to be normal if they wanted a more stable lifestyle.

Edward watched me pull on a jacket and then he followed me down to the kitchen. We sat in our usual places as I ate  a granola bar. After eating, I wrote a quick note to Charlie saying that Edward and I went out and that I'll be home by ten.

The drive to the meadow was quiet, but not awkward. Edward drove my old truck, pushing the engine to the limit. It hurt to hear it chug and groan as he pressed the gas pedal, but I also knew it hurt him to drive so incredibly slow. He would get his moment to go fast in a while.

He parked the truck in the usual spot and we got out. Edward made his way to me and pulled me up onto his back. I latched myself onto him as securely as I could, though I knew he would never drop me.

"Ready?" He asked.

I braced myself.

Edward began to run up the hillside. I could barely tell he was running, as his movements were steady and smooth. The trip up was always quick, but I learned to close my eyes after the very first time.

We laid in the tall grass surrounded by blossoming flowers, our hands intertwined between us. The break in the trees around us let in warm rays of sunlight and I was glad. Not only did the warmth keep me from shivering at Edward's loving touch, but I got to see how the sun made his skin even more beautiful. The tiny facets of diamonds shined off of his marble-like skin. I found myself staring at him even more.

Edward and I spent a lot of time at the Cullen household the entire summer. We listened to a lot of music together, read some of my favorite books, went to a few festivals, and even spent time at Charlie's. Charlie was not completely in love with the idea of Edward, though he seemed to love Edward's family.

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