Chapter 1 |1| Welcome to Hogwarts

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(Welcome to Hogwarts)
"You sure?" I asked as my twin sister, Hermione Dragged me throughout the train, we were fraternal twins.

everything was the same about us, but we are both extravagant in our own ways, although we DO almost act exactly alike, I am a tad bit more laid back than she is, which is fine, we also act completely different at the same time, we have our own personal interests along with some of the same interests.

"completely-........positive-" She said between breaths "okay then" I said while rolling my eyes, she had a tight grip on my wrist.

We sat in a compartment with a boy named Neville, we had been talking when his toad jumped from his grip and ran out of the compartment.

We were asking everyone if they'd seen a toad, I opened a compartment door that had two boys in it, one had raven hair and emerald green eyes, and the other had red hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry, but have you two seen a toad by any chance?" I asked calmly, Hermione standing behind me panting "nope." They said in unison, I looked at the red head boy and realized he had his wand out "ah! Are you doing magic? Let's see then." I exclaimed happily and plopped down next to the raven hair boy who was just staring at me, I glanced at him and he looked away, his cheeks turning red "o-okay....."

the red haired boy said, worry laced in his voice "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!" He exclaimed, which didn't really sound like a spell, but the only thing it did was make the box his rat was hiding in fall to the ground.

He looked disappointed "it's okay, you'll learn....." I said quietly while placing a hand on his arm "I know a few spells myself, they've all worked out for me, of course" I said nonchalantly "allow me to demonstrate!" I said while pulling out my wand, I turned to look at the boy next to me

"Oculus reparo!" I said while pointing my wand at his glasses that were broken and poorly held together by tape, the tape disappeared and the cracks did as well, his glasses straightened up and looked as good as new, the boy went cross eyed while trying to look at the wand.

"Wow, thanks!" He smiled, I smiled triumphantly "Sorry I haven't properly introduced myself, I'm (Y/N) Granger" I said while shaking the raven haired's hand, I looked over to the other boy who had his face stuffed with food, Hermione gave a disgusted look and I giggled "Ronald, Ronald Weasley- but people call me Ron."

He said with his mouth full and shook my hand "pleasure....." I heard Hermione mumble beneath her breath, I turned to the raven haired boy "also, what's your name?-" then the realization hit me, and apparently Hermione as well because her eyes went wide, along with mine "Holy crickets! You're Harry Potter!" We both said in unison.

Harry chuckled and lifted up his hair, revealing his scar, I absentmindedly traced it with my finger, causing him to go bright red and shiver a little and get goosebumps "Sorry." I mumbled while pulling my hand away blushing "no, no- it's f-fine!" He stuttered while turning a darker red and removing his hand from his head, causing his messy and straight hair to fall back down.

Hermione happily introduced herself to Harry and reluctantly introduced herself to Ron after I had pulled her by the hair when she tried to leave, that's our way of communication sometimes, if we want the others attention or something we pull their hair.

As we were walking out, me and Hermione turned around "you might also want to change into your robes, we presume we shall be arriving shortly" me and Hermione said in unison and then continued searching for Trevor.


We had just walked into the great hall, I looked at the ceiling, which was enchanted to look like it was showing the weather outside, I read about it in 'Hogwarts: a history' I looked at Harry who was standing next to me, gazing upon the ceiling "It's not real, you was enchanted to make it look like that- read about it in 'Hogwarts: a history'........" I said to him, he quickly looked at me "Really?" He asked, I could hear slight amusement in his voice "yep."

As people were being called, I grabbed onto Hermione's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, I could tell she was a bit nervous, it's a twin thing, ya' know? Hermione was called up and was placed into Gryffindor, I honestly didn't worry about which house I was placed in, I knew I wasn't as rude as some Slytherins, so I didn't have much to be afraid of.

"Granger, (Y/N)!" Professor Mcgonagall called, I slowly walked up to the hat and sat on the stool while placing the hat on my head "Hmmmmm......." the hat started "smart, highly courageous, brave........short-tempered......Gryffindor? But wait- cunning, maybe Slytherin- no- ah, very clever, Ravenclaw would do you well.......ah, kind, humble.......maybe even Hufflepuff? No- Gryffindor- no! Slytherin- no! Ravenclaw- no.....Hufflepuff? No-" the hat mumbled, causing me to grow a bit nervous 'what house? Oh no.......NOW I'm finally starting to worry' the hat must be able to read minds because it spoke up "Ah, everyone's nervous sometimes......." then it went eerily silent, everyone was staring intensely.

Hermione looked like she was going to explode with anticipation "ah, I've come to my conclusion! Better be........." the energy was now intense and you could hear a feather drop, I held my breath.

"GRYFFINDOR!!!" The hat yelled, all the tables cheered, especially Gryffindor, Hermione was smiling like a mad man, with tears streaming down her face, I took the hat off and hopped down from the stool and ran to the table, Hermione pulled me into a bone crushing hug "I was so worried you would get Slytherin! The tension was extremely strong! And I wanted to have every class with my twin sister and......." Hermione was rambling into my hair while swaying me until she finally calmed down, we sat down and I was congratulated by people and these two twins, which I later found out were Fred and George Weasley "welcome to Gryffindor! You must be so honored! Especially with two handsome twins welcoming you!" They claimed.

I just giggled and looked across from me to see Harry and Ronald sitting there with huge smiles on their faces "Congratulations!" Harry said and Ronald nodded "thank you" I said sweetly.


After eating and meeting people we headed up to the common room, the prefect, Percy Weasley was rambling on about something I could really care less about "Pigsnout is the password" he said and then the portrait swung open and we all crawled in, I had to help Neville a little because he couldn't get in, but with a little force I finally managed to push him in "thanks" he breathed "my pleasure" I said sarcastically but with a genuine smile on my face.


Hey, whoever is reading this! I'm really exited to be starting this story and if anyone has any suggestions or anything- please don't be afraid to comment! I would also like some criticism on this so I know for future reference. Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed so far.
Word count: 1,338

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