Chapter 1 |3| saving Neville's bum and quidditch

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-Quick disclaimer: the reason why I'm posting so many chapters already is because I kinda got carried away while writing and ended up making about 4 or 5 or 6 drafts-
(Saving Neville's bum and quidditch)
Me and Harry approached a swarm of students waiting by the doors to the castle grounds "(Y/N)!!!" Ron yelled while running towards me, he pulled me into a tight hug "Are you alright!?" He asked with concern on his face, I nodded and smiled "Ronald- oh! (Y/N)!" Hermione said while running over, she pulled me into a hug as well.


We were trying to lift up our brooms, "Up!" I said and my broom flew up into my hand, I smirked at Ron who couldn't get his broom to go up "here, let me try" I said while pushing him aside "Up!" I yelled and his broom did the same mine did, I dropped it to the floor and smiled "Keep trying" I said in a reassuring tone, he solemnly nodded, "up!" He yelled, but his broom came flying up and bashed him in the nose "Awghhh!" He groaned, me and Harry chuckled "shut it You two." Ron mumbled.

"One you've got ahold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight! You don't want to be sliding off the end" everyone did as told.

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly, and touch back down. On my whistle! 3. . .2. . .*whistle*. . . . .Mr. longbottom."

He doesn't look to be in control of his broom

"Mis-miste-mister Longbottom!" Madam hooch stuttered, worry lacing her voice, I face blamed and Ron chuckled, Hermione look at me, disappointed "what?" I asked, faking a confused face, the just rolled her eyes and shook her head, mumbling something under her breath.

Everyone was now yelling his name, hoping it will get him down somehow, everyone was panicking, me and Hermione exchanged looks "(Y/N). Don't." She said, but I ignored her and mounted my broom "Merlin's beard! Do you listen to me!?" She whisper-yelled "nope" I said happily, I watched as Neville was stuck on a statue, I immediately flew my broom over to him, as I was nearing closer I realized I was too high and he was about to fall, so I immediately swooped down and grabbed him right before he landed and then pulled back up, and landed, I was out of breath and I put Neville down, I was panting and everyone was silent.

"Damn, that's quite a workout." I said between breaths and gave a breathy laugh, everyone's mouth was agape, even madam hooch's "uhhhh.....okay?" I said and started to go back but Hooch stopped me "Come with me. Now." She said with no expression, I groaned "I told you not to do it!" Hermione scolded me "Well he could've gotten hurt!" I snapped back "Mr. longbottom, let's get you checked by madam pomfrey" Madam Hooch said while signaling him to follow us "Oh thank you thank you (Y/N)!!" Neville said happily while hugging me "no problem" I smiled.

I talked with McGonagall and she talked to this guy named Oliver wood, and now I'm a chaser for quidditch. While me and McGonagall were walking back we watched as Harry did these amazing moves and stuff while trying to get Neville's rememberball. I cheered him in and McGonagall shot me a look that made me shut up.

"Mister Potter, come with me" McGonagall said sternly, Harry walked over to us, I high fived him, McGonagall glared at me and I rolled my eyes "good luck Harry!" I patted his back and he blushed a little.

"Well! What happened?" Everyone asked me as I trudged over "I'm now the youngest quidditch player the century, and I believe Harry's gonna become one too" I said, everyone cheered, except for Malfoy and his 'gang'.


We were all looking at Harry's dad's portrait in a trophy case, Harry became seeker, his father apparently was one to, me and Hermione decided to show them "whoa Harry! Your dad was a seeker too!?" Ron exclaimed happily "I didn't know." He said blankly.

We were climbing up the staircase when I heard Ron talking about me and Hermione "I'm telling you! It's spooky! They know more about you than you do!" Ron said, I was about to protest but Hermione turned me around "who doesn't?" Harry said.

When I was about to step onto another staircase I was about to fall "AHH" I yelled, someone grabbed me by my waist and I turned around to see Harry, I looked from him to the moving staircase "Harry! You saved me!" I said dramatically while pretending to faint, Harry just chuckled along with Ron and Hermione "On a real note though, thank you!" I said happily and kissed his cheek, he turned dark red and I stepped onto the moving staircase "let's go" I said happily.

The staircase stopped and we stepped onto an abandoned- or what looked to be abandoned floor, as we walked through the corridor I couldn't help but get this strange feeling "does anyone feel like we're not supposed to be here?" I asked while walking ahead and examining paintings and random things on the wall "we're not supposed to be here!" Hermione retorted "Yeah, had no idea." I said sarcastically and she just sighed "ah! This is the third floor, it's forbidden" I said while examining a painting "We are?" Ron asked, running next to me and clinging onto my arm "Yes. And will you stop being a baby?" I said trying to pry him off me "n-no!" Ron said, hanging on tighter, I growled and rolled me eyes, Harry was laughing behind me.

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