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Liked by Dark_skin and 1,174,073@red_head 😘❤ily

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Liked by Dark_skin and 1,174,073
@red_head 😘❤ily. #duncney
Zoey: ily 😘❤

Duncan: thxs dude

Courtney: ^

Sierra: yayyy

Chris: ok chef cross out zoke. Now we need aleheather

Chef: yep, nice picture of you and your lady

Mike: uh-ya-thanks

Dakota' me and sam can do better

Duncan: pretty sure sam can't even pick ya up

Geoff: yah dude^ he would probably drop you bc he died on a game😂

Duncan: 😂

Noah: tru definition of bullies^^

Duncan: the nicest thing ya ever said to me dude 😂^

Geoff: 😂^

Alejandro: what the hell? ^

Geoff: wadup dude

Cody: least they nice to you

Geoff: Mr. Dead donkey

Cody: I stand corrected

Duncan: 😂 ^

Courtney: shit @blonde_shorty their lose

Bridgette: damn

Heather: wym

Bridgette: their high

Noah: ohhh

Alejandro: makes since

Cody: ^^

Courtney: we tried tying them up
and putting them in my bathroom but forgot to take their phones 😒

Mike: this is way too much crazy

*@1&.only_Mike disabled comments*

Liked by princess_Court and 1,736,363 othersMi Amor and I

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Liked by princess_Court and 1,736,363 others
Mi Amor and I. Ily😘💞. #duncney. And thanks to the stoners 👇🏽👇🏽
*@King_Jandro disabled comments*

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