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Liked by br.X.ck and 3,816,617 others
Gotta sha-new boo @purple_hair I sha-love you ❤😘
Dakota: awwwe y'all look so cute together

Sierra: thank you

Ann Marie: omg

Sierra: ikk😁

Ann Marie: the background is amazing

Sierra: ....

Noah: oh

Courtney: hell

Cody: nah

Heather: what's wrong^


Heather: anyway.... WHAT?!

Sierra: ikkkk

Sierra: its sooooo sweet 😊

Lindsay: green is so your color

Sierra: awe thanks

Lighting: my bby looks good in everything 😘

Sierra: awe 😘

Cody: 😒

Gwen: jealous ^

Cody: course not 😒

Duncan: this is sooo unexpected

Cody: ^

Noah: ^

Courtney: ^

Heather: ^

Brody: ^

Emma: ^

Lashawna: ^

Mar: I call it!

Sierra: true

Lighting: she sha-looks so sha-cute😍😍

Sierra: thanks babe😘

Lighting: 😘

Cody: 😒🤢

Heather: I sense some reason
Bad asses crew chat💬

Heather: Cody, Noah, Courtney spill

Cody: wym

Courtney: I know nothing

Noah: cody likes Sierra

Courtney: Noah wtf

Cody: noahhhh

Noah: srry but you gotta get the girl somehow

Cody: fine😒

Cody: but don't say anything

Heather: that's-

Heather: crazy

Duncan: expected

Alejandro: disturbing

Lashawna: boy shut yo mouth

Geoff: 👁👄👁

Bridgette: ^

Taylor: ^

Brody: ^

Emma: ^

Zoey: it's kinda cute

DJ: ^

Mike: ^

Kitty: ^

Heather: whatever here's the plan.....


Liked by Punk4life and 8,917,517 othersTakes after his dad (meee) 😁🤣Comments💬Bridgette: lord have mercy

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Liked by Punk4life and 8,917,517 others
Takes after his dad (meee) 😁🤣
Bridgette: lord have mercy

Courtney: awe that's cute

Duncan: ^

Izzy: ^ it reminds me of the time.

Heather: course the psychopathic ppl think that's cute

Courtney: heyyyy

Izzy: thank you Heather

Duncan: ^

Heather: shut up

Sierra: awe

Cody: you think it's cute?

Sierra: yep

Cody: just like yo-

Lighting: just like you❤

Sierra: awe😘 ❤

Geoff: yeah nun of whatever that is ^ on this post

Lashawna: ^🤣

Courtney: toxic 💀😂

Geoff: your one to talk

Courtney: Geoff try me 😐

Courtney: anit the one

Geoff: ok ok sorry 😭

Courtney: good

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