Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

In reality, I don't have anybody call me delightful, let alone somebody as attractive as Simon. I figured I should probably reply to the message now.

Nina Parks: Why thank you! You are too ;)

I nervously waited for a reply. I hope the winky face wasn't too much. I'm not one to flirt. A few seconds later I got another message.

Simon Miles: Thank you, love, although you don't know the true dark side of me. ;)

He definitely just killed me, once again in a good way. I've never been called "love", and it just hit me really hard. I decided to bring myself back together after realizing that we have only been talking for about 10 minutes, and he probably calls every girl "love". I wasn't going to stop this conversation yet.

Nina Parks: Well, I guess that means you happen to not know mine either. ;)

Simon Miles: Well, why don't I, Nina? ;)

There's so many winky faces here that I don't know what to do. This is more winky faces than I have had directed to me in my life. I think I might have a slight problem.

Nina Parks: I don't know, but I guess it's never too late to learn something new! ;)

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