Chapter 11

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It was Derek.

Derek's Pov

Once I got back to my house I cleaned up my knife and reloaded my gun. I put my gun away and went to shower. After I finished I felt satisfied with what I did. The thought of mike dead made me chuckle. I always liked y/n but mike took her. I then started to follow her. I had a tracker on her so when I followed her, i saw how he abused her. I saw everything. The thing that hurt me the most was that they had sex. I was devastated that they did that. I started bullying y/n, because I didn't know how to maintain my feelings. First mike killed my bestfriend Vallyk and then took y/n away. You might be thinking, didnt you get shot. Yes, yes I did but I made it out alive and recovered quickly. Ima find y/n and take her. Clearly it worked when mike did it so it should work when I do it

Y/n's Pov

Once I told mike that, I got up and gave him a kiss on the forehead. Once I got up I heard all the beeping noises start beeping a lot. Nurses rushed in and kicked me out. I started crying. Was it my fault that the things went crazy or something. As I was crying I felt something on my face....everything went black.

Derek's Pov

I walked up to her and put the mask thing, whatever it is to her face. I carried her to my car and drove off. After and hour or two she started to move around. I parked the car and took her to the house. I placed her on my bed and sat in the dark corner. As I watched her sleep I started to get cold. I got up and got a blanket. After awhile I seen she finally woke up

Y/n's Pov

I woke up and looked around, where the fuck am I? I looked around again and saw a figure at the corner. I backed away and got scared

Y/n:where am I

Guy:at my house

I knew that voice from somewhere. Where is that voice from.....I know I've heard it before bu- that's Derek's voice


He then came out and the moonlight hit his face. It was derek.....I thought he died

Y/n:I thought you died

Derek:I didnt, did you miss me

Y/n:no, why would I miss you

Derek:because I missed you

I looked at him weird

Y/n:I thought you hated me

Derek:never that

Y/n:you literally bully me, how do you not hate me

Derek:I'd bully you because I never knew how to handle my feelings, I always liked you

What the actual fuck. Derek Trendz likes me.....what the hell

Derek:i know, it's bad that i bullied you but i actually always liked you

Y/n:why am i here

Derek:well, didnt mike kidnap you

I slowly nodded

Derek:and you fell in love with him

I nodded again

Derek:I thought I can do the same

He then smiled proudly. I started laughing

Derek:what's so funny

Y/n:I'm not gonna like you derek, I love mike

Derek:I dont give a fuck, your gonna learn to love me just like you did with mike


Derek:too bad

He got up and sat next to me. I just scooted away but he pulled me closer to him. He got on top of me and started kissing my neck. I kicked him and pushed him off

Derek:what the fuck

Y/n:no derek, I'm not gonna do anything with you. I dont like you......what even happened to Vallyk

Derek:he died

I just nodded

Derek:so, are you hungry

I nodded

Derek:okay, I brought you food

He handed me the food, I grabbed it out his hand and ate some. I got full quickly

Y/n:derek, I'm full

Derek:stop lying and eat that shit

Y/n:but I'm full

Derek:so you're trying to starve yourself now

Y/n:no, I was like this with mike

Derek:what does this have anything to do with mike, I killed him

Y/n: ........f-fuck you.......your an asshole. I hope you die

Derek:fuck me......okay

Y/n:I didn't mean it like that

Derek:to bad

Derek started taking off his shirt, then his pants as he was going to take off his underwear I got up and ran to open the door. It was locked

Derek:dont run from this dick

I wanted to throw up so badly

Y/n:derek, I dont want to do anything with you

Derek:did I ask

I knew this would make him go soft

Y/n:you want me to love you right


Y/n:I would never love someone who forces themselves on me so if you really want me to love cant force yourself on me

Derek immediately put his clothes back on. I mentally smirked to myself, I was glad that worked because if it didn't......I dont even know what I'll do if it didn't work. I layed on the bed and tried to fall asleep hoping mike was okay.

No Ones Pov

Derek walked into the room because he heard
y/n crying. He saw her curled up in a ball in the corner of the room. She was rocking herself back and forth.

Derek:what's wrong

Y/n's Pov

Mike and I were both sleeping until he got up

Mike:I love you and take care of our child....promise me that

Y/n:I promise mike, but where are you going

Mike:I'll be dead

Y/n:you cant leave us

Mike:I dont have a choice....I'm sorry.....I love you and our kid so fucking much

Y/n:I love you too mike

I got up to give him a hug but when my skin made contact with his....he disappeared

I opened my eyes from the nightmare. Is that a sign mike just died. I couldn't breathe and started crying. I went to the darkest corner of the room and started crying and tried to breathe but I couldn't. I started rocking myself back and forth, nothing was working. Derek then entered the room but I ignored him and continued to try and calm down. I remembered that one time when mike calmed me down from my other panic attack when I tried to run away. As I was calming down derek started talking

Derek:what happened

I continued trying to calm my breathing down


I flinched at his words, I couldnt breathe. Ny vision was going blurry, the last thing I saw was derek laughing before everything went black.....

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