Chapter 16

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In the safe was a lot of money and a note


If you're reading this, I'm probably in or going to jail. This money is for my bail. This should be enough money for my bail


I closed the safe and hid it in a safe spot. I layed on my bed and cried myself to sleep

Next Day☁️🌧

I woke up and layed in bed sad. The rain drops sounded peaceful. I got up and did my hygiene. I then played back on my bed and fell asleep. When I woke up I went to the kitchenette and grabbed a water. I decided to go in Mike's room. As I walked in his cologne scent hit my nose. Tears started to form in my eyes. I went to his closet and grabbed a sweater of his. I put it on and walked back to my room. As I was laying in bed my phone started ringing. I walked over to my phone and saw it was the police station

Phone Call:


Mike:hey mamas, how you holding up so far

Y/n:awful, I've already been crying, wearing your sweater, and sleeping all day

Mike chuckled

Mike:mamas, its only been a day and you're all sad. What happened to hating me

Y/n:that was the past, before I fell in love with you

Mike:so you love me


Mike:I love you too but I gotta go

Y/n:okay, bye mike, love you and stay safe, I'll get you out

Mike:okay bye love y-

Guy:times up

End of the Phone Call

I just smiled, I was happy that I at least talked to him. I went to the kitchen and started to make pancakes. I ate and went back to my room bored. Without mike, the house was completely boring.

Next Week

I was getting ready for the day I will bail mike out. I did all my hygiene and went to the car. I grabbed the keys and got inside the car. I drove to the place and got out the car. As I was walking out the car I seen some creeps staring at me. I walked into the place

Lady:the bail will be $250,000


I grabbed the money and counted it. There was still 500,000 dollars left. I gave her the money

Lady:thank you, we'll go grab him, you can wait right there

I went to the seats and sat down

Mike's Pov

I was currently laying on the mattress until the guard came in

Guard:you have been released


I got up and went to lobby. The guard handed me my clothes and left. I walked out and saw y/n on her phone. I was smiling until I saw her eyes, they were puffy and red. My smiled immediately dropped. I walked up to her and hugged her. She looked up and smiled

Y/n:mike, I missed you even if it's only been 2 weeks

Mike:I missed you too

We got up and went to the car. As we were gonna get in the car there was gunshots. I assume it was a drive by. Me and mike duck and waited for them to stop. After awhile I felt something's hit my leg, it started to burn. I then huddled up in a ball and started to cry. After awhile the gunshots stopped. I looked up and saw mike

____________________A/n:and mike is dead! Or is he? I'm kidding, I wouldnt do that you.....right? I hope you enjoyed and I love all

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