10) The Broken

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~Snow's POV~

"Sazh," I groan, pulling my pillow up over my head as the man across the hall's alarm go off. "Some of us like to sleep past six thirty in the morning."

"Tell me about it," Cloud grumbles from the floor. "This has been going on for three days. I'm losing sleep over the prospect of the stupid alarm."

"Not all of us are pilots," I whine into my pillow.

"Sazh! Shut it off!" He yells. Moments later, the beeping stops and we sigh with relief. Turns out, Cloud had a condo he hadn't used in awhile near the old Shinra building. Tifa, Light, and Hope are staying at the bar. Vincent has Yuffie, Vanille, and Fang. And Cloud has me, Dajh, and Sazh to serve.

"Get up, lazies!" Dajh swings the door open. "Daddy says you're gonna get fat if you sleep too much! 'specially Snow!"

"Hey! It's all muscle, little man!" I insist. He giggles and leaves the room, happy to have bothered us. With really no chance of falling back asleep, I throw my blankets to the side and tug my shirt and hat on. I went through so much crap with Cloud about how I look without the stupid thing in my head. Why else would I wear it? I have a total dork look and I rock it. Wink wink.

"Hey Spiky," I call to my fellow blonde. He groans and opens his glowing eyes. "Get up or Sazh will literally drag you around until you get a bad rug burn."

"I'm up," he says quickly, tugging his shirt on too and heading toward the bathroom. I smirk and stand in the doorway.

"So how much gel does it take to get your hair like that?"

"None," he shakes his head wildly, his mussed up spikes rearranging perfectly. What?!

"... I swear you must have a wig on," I shake my head and leave the room to go to the kitchen. Sazh grins at me and Dajh bounces in circles.

"Finally awake, huh kid?"

"It's only been five minutes since you blasted an alarm!"

"A record too!" The pilot laughs at my face.

"Five minutes? Really?" Cloud exits the bathroom. "I had to do it in thirty seconds if I didn't want extra crap to do."

"Well not all of us were in the army, soldier boy," I roll my eyes.

"Does the Air Force count?" Sazh raises his eyebrows.

"Hey, Cid was in the Shinra Air Force," Cloud says randomly.

"That's nice," I shrug. I'm just not in a very good mood lately. I can't stop thinking about Serah, and every time I think about her, I end up mixing Tifa in there too and I just want her out. I want to think about my dead fiancé in peace. I absentmindedly hold up my necklace, the one identical to the one she wore. Cocoon... No longer a fal'cei made oasis, but a shattered crystal ball wandering through space. She shouldn't be dead. She had eternal life... Right? But I guess that doesn't mean you can't die.

"Yo, you alright kid?" Sazh breaks my thoughts. I blink and look back at him, his dark eyes full of worry.

"I'm fine," I mutter and turn to go back to the bedroom.

"If this is about Serah..." He starts.

"I'm fine!" I yell back, now stomping. I sit down on the edge of my borrowed bed heavily and stare at the charm, lost in thought. I remember clearly the day that I proposed to her and gave her a matching necklace. The day she tried to break up with me because she was a l'cei. The day she awoke from her crystal slumber alongside me. How happy we were.

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