Winter's Story

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AGE: 14-15 

GENDER: Female

APPEARANCE:Long light brown hair that goes to the middle of her back. She has bangs that cover her brows a bit but are see through enough to be visible. She's on the shorter side but very slender so she looks taller than she is. She has hazel colored eyes.

PERSONALITY:Despite her past trauma, she has a happy out look on life. She is cheerful and likes to make people smile. When she's really happy she dances and spins. People at school think she's clumsy and an airhead but in fact she's well coordinated and she has good grades. She hates being alone because she starts to have bad thoughts. She has nightmares a lot and calls Mafuyu to talk to help her fall asleep.


Mika sneaks out of her house to go to the park while her father sleeps in front of the TV.

She sees her mother cooking in the kitchen but she isn't doing anything.

When she gets to the park she thinks she's alone so she let's out her tears. 

She then spots young Mafuyu hiding at the base of a tree.

She wipes her tears away and runs up to him.

She looks at him concerned and asks, "Are you okay? are you hurt or lost?"

Mafuyu looks up at her and then back down, he shakes his head as if to say no.

She then walks over and sits next to him, "can I sit her with you for a while?"

He nods yes.

She asks, "can I hold your hand?"

He gives her his hand to hold and they just sit in silence.

Before she can ask him his name, Yuki runs up on them with his airplane.

"Woah what are you guys doing here?", he notices their hands. "Are you guys boyfriend/girlfriend?"

She stands up with a red face, "No! I was just sad and he was making me feel better"

Yuki shrugs and asks if they want to play.

Mika says yes but only if Mafuyu wants to.

Yuki asks, "can you talk?".

Mafuyu says, "My dad hits me if I talk".

Mika looks angry and stops smiling.

 She says, "my dad is no good too"

Mafuyu looks at them both and get's upset.

He then grabs their hands and pulls them along.

He tells them, "let's have fun!"

The two sad kids start laughing and smiling.

Months later Mafuyu's dad is arrested, Mika and Yuki stand with him.

Mika starts to cry and says she wishes someone could take her dad away too.

Mafuyu and Yuki hug her.

Now when they are about ten years old in elementary school, during PE, Mika accidentally pees on herself (a common trait in abuse victims).

A girl from the class takes her to the nurse. 

There the nurse finds a bruises on the inside of her legs.

The police come to the school and talk to her. 

Mafuyu and Yuki see her in the office talking to a policeman and a social worker, Mafuyu recognizes her from his own case. 

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