Bang! (Part Three)

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As Nightwing awoke he felt as though he were melting; the heat was all over him, smothering him. Opening his eyes he saw that he was lying on the sofa in the mountains living room with many blankets mounted on top of him. With the little energy he had left he pushed them off and tried to stand, the world span for a moment before it finally stopped allowing Dick to see he was alone...or at least he thought.

'Nightwing what are you doing up? Lie back under the blankets!' He turned towards the voice and saw Batgirl striding over to him.

'I'm too hot,' mumbled Dick as Babs pushed him down onto the sofa again.

'Dick you're becoming hypothermic, you need to stay warm,' she frowned taking in her friend's pale complexion, blue lips and...greying hair?

'Batgirl come in.'

'Here Batman, what's the problem?' Nightwing looked at her quietly while listening in on their conversation.

'We're up against Ebon, Static was right none of our powers or weapons can touch him. Static has him for the moment but we need back up. Go to the cave and get one of the weapons we confiscated off freeze, hopefully with that as well we will be able to finish's Nightwing?'

'I'm fine,' Nightwing spoke up quickly as he knew what Babs was going to say. 'We'll be there as soon as we can.' Before Batman could respond, Nightwing reached over and ended communication and then went to stand again.

'You don't seriously think you're coming?' Babs followed him over to weapons room and tried to stop him stocking up his utility belt. 'You're too sick!' Nightwing turned and grabbed her wrists as she went to grab him.

'If everything Static says is true then Ebon isn't going to go down with one of freezes gadgets, it's going to take something more.'

'And you have something?' She pulled her hands away and put them on her hips as he shrugged.

'Maybe...' Knowing she wasn't going to win, Babs sighed in defeat.

'You better be right about this Boy Wonder.'


Batman had never felt so useless as he and the other heroes watched Static Shock fight Ebon; the other two bang babies had been captured and subdued, but this one wasn't going down easily. Superman came and stood by him.

'Where's Batgirl with the ice ray? I don't think the kid can take it much longer.' As if on cue a zeta beam close by burst into life and Batgirl and Nightwing appeared. Batman noticed two things first, one was that neither was holding one of freezes weapons and the other was that other than his belt, Nightwing was not in uniform, he was in sweats and a thick jumper with his sunglasses over his eyes.

'What are you doing here?' exclaimed Superman when the two Bats approached, the alien could already hear the laboured breathing coming from Batman's eldest child.

'I wanted to help,' Nightwing breathed.

'You're going to get yourself killed,' Nightwing shrugged and then preceded to ignore his mentor, looking past him to the fight.

'So what's this great and wonderful plan of yours Boy Blunder?' asked Batgirl her eyes widening slightly when she saw her friend bite his lip.

'Not entirely sure,' he said, suddenly he seemed on edge but everyone's attention was drawn away from Nightwing when Ebon wrapped himself around a fire hydrant, bursting it and soaking anyone in a 30-metre radius.

'Let's see you use your static now,' the shadow goaded. 'You can take me out but you'll kill everyone in the process.' Static glared at the being, unsure now what to do.

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