Endless Sky

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She smiled for years and years
And yet shed tears beyond belief
She laughed loud and gay
Yet her heart, it bled

It's killing me softly
She whispered to the wind
As the tears she shed
Fell into the lake she called despair

Its funny isnt it?
How one such as her
With a face wrinkled with lines from laughing
Could hurt and cry so much so
She felt it was killing her softly

No reprieve
Not even for a minute
Yet she hid them well
The wall between her heart and the world
Strong and tall
It puts the Wall of China to shame

She puts on a show
A show of strength and courage
Of everything everyone is expecting her to be
And the wall kept rising and rising
Getting stronger and harder

Disappointment she doesn't want to see
Failure she can't face yet must endure
Frustrations she bears
Smiles she must show
The torrent of tears
The screams of frustration
Only she knows

But one day she'll break free
When she finds that courage buried deep inside of her
She'll spread her wings
And soar above the clouds
With a genuine smile upon her face

I hope that day comes my friend
The day we'll soar together
Into the endless sky

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2014 ⏰

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