Chapter Seventeen

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[Eyes' POV]

All of my nerves went down the drain and I swear I didn't know if I'd grow more nervous of the fact that I saw both TJ and Leo talking so easily, I think I might faint and for a tough guy to say that, not so appealing. I sense Leo's presence up at the roof a while ago and I was so unsure of leaving the two of them together.

I know what TJ did to Leo in that room and I almost murdered him, I realize I'm too protective over Leo that I had to remind myself she can take care of myself, I shook away my personal thoughts and concentrated on the video that the Royale's army sent us, well only the assassins were the ones who sent it to us but still they're a part of the army after all.

I waited for the two of them to walk towards me, I was in the control room where I was supposed to wait for TJ so we can wait for the first move.

"Hey TJ! Hurry up! They already did the first move!" I yell and they both shared a look that meant Leo knew about the plan too and they both ran towards me. I played the video for them and Leo took a sharp breath, I look over my shoulder to find she was on the brink of tears.

I watched and watched the video for over ten times and I couldn't quite understand the message.

The video showed Marvin's bloody body that was beyond recognition, he was wearing tattered clothes, knowing Leo, this was enough to make her cry, she was really worried about her brother. 

"Whatever, Alexandria, happens try don't, after come, me to. I'm Royale at custody held in the Head by. Whatever, you do understand you need to avoid killed getting. Trey and Stephanie dead are not. You rookie, don't listen me to ever, don't protect Ria make me you kill." then the video ended. It didn't make any sense at all but apparently Leo understood. She looked at the black screen then at me then at TJ.

"I have to go, you have to let me go, no matter what my brother is saying you have to let me!" she yells. TJ and I look at her suspiciously.

"You understood him?" I ask. She nodded frantically.

"Didn't you?" she looks at the both us. We shook our head with our mouths hanging open.

"He said... Alexandria, whatever happens don't try to come after me. I'm at Royale held in custody by the Head. Whatever, do you understand, you need to avoid getting killed. Trey and Stephanie are not dead. Rookie, you don't ever listen to me, protect Ria, don't make me kill you." She said with such certainty it made me stare at her in awe, TJ on the other hand was scowling at my expression and I immediately wipe it off my face. 


That name brought shivers, right I was supposed to protect her but I never listened, I always protected her from a far and never near or around her.

"Okay so he's at the Royale, the 30th anniversary of the whole place, from the wall to the whole point of the army. He's held captive there. Alert everyone Eyes, gather everyone downstairs, we'll meet you there." TJ says and I nod and headed down the stairs. 

I'm guessing TJ never said the rest of the plan to her, we had another reason why we were going inside Royale. We needed to get the antidote, all of the scientists in the underground facility had some, it was still under tests a couple of years ago but now that it's stable we had to get our hands on it.

TJ just wanted to protect us, so the Royale couldn't give it to the assassins when they hunt for us and kill us all together, I on the other hand was going to give it to Marvin and Ria as soon as possible. Marvin will need more than a few doses since the serum was binded to his DNA now but Ria was new to the whole thing so it was much easier for her.

It was my job after all to protect the both of them. Right now, I had to protect Ria, no matter what the cost.

"Men! Where are you?" I yell, and all of them came out of their hiding places. "The mission will take place now, tonight so suit up and lets get moving! Go! Go! GO!" I yell and they scramble to get their weapons.

I just hope we succeed without getting killed.

[Leo's POV]

"So we rescue Marvin? That's all the plan?" I ask. He shook his head, Eyes went on ahead and TJ discussed the plan with me.

"No, that's just a bonus, we were after the antidote... the antidote for Mongrels." he says slowly and I let this sink in. There's an antidote, I could go back to the way I was before but do they know I was a mongrel now? I couldn't get myself in trouble, I had to hide my excitement.

"An antidote? There is? How come I've never heard of such a thing?" I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.

"It was top secret in the facility, they were still developing it a couple of years ago and we didn't trust what those scientist were brewing until we were sure they perfected it just a couple of weeks ago.

"That's why we broke in there but it was in a vault and many assassins attacked and we were near defenseless, we took the women instead so we could sell them and buy new weapons when this day comes. Turns out that we didn't save Marvin in the process so he ended up bait. You could say that we intended that to happen, sorry Ria."

I look at him bewildered. They left Marvin on purpose?! Before I could stop myself I started punching the guy's lights out and he didn't even made a move to block all of my strikes, he just let me hit him but after a while when sobs were racking my whole body he grabbed my wrists and did something that I thought he would never do in a million years: he hugged me.

He hugged me as I cried, I didn't even know why I cried, maybe I was beyond frustrated now that I didn't expect that that was the reason why that maybe they were just there and they left Marvin alone cause they didn't knew him but I was wrong.

"How-How did you know him?" I asked when I started breathing normally again. He stroked my hair and I relaxed a little bit.

"We knew who he was because he was just like us, he was actually the greatest Mongrel out there." TJ says and I look at him in shock, I blink away the tears to get a good look at his face he was completely serious?

"MARVIN IS A MONGREL?!" I yell in bewilderment. He nods solemnly.

"You didn't know?" he asks.

"I thought... I thought I was the only one." I breathe.

"Were you not listening to what Eyes just told you yesterday?" he smirks.

"No... I... I don't know."

"Okay, I'll jsut tell you this, you are not the only mongrel in Vesperin, in fact all of the mongrels of Vesperin are here, in the gang." 

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