Chapter Forty Six

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If you chose...

A. Tinyvoice was fighting a sandy colored dog, it had a small rolled up tail. You leap into the dogs back only to get torn off by another dog. It's jaws fastened around your neck. The dog shook you wildly through the air.
The whole camp became a big blurr. The last thing you saw was Tinyvoice laying motionless on the ground. (Ending #3)

If you chose...

B. Kits screeched from the nursery as your legs bolted toward them. Two queens lied dead on the floor, their kits with them.
Ashkit, a tiny grey she kit, was cornered by a massive brown and white dog. The dog had long and deep scars along its face and back, but that didn't stop it from fighting.
In an attempt to save Ashkit, you yowl from behind the blood hungry dog. This got its attention and the dog turned to you, while Ashkit was picked up by another warrior and carried to safety.
The dog drooled onto the sandy floor. There was no way you could survive this. Crouching down, you prepared to leap. Before you could, the ravenous beast lunged onto you and grabbed your hind leg. Pain shot through you as the dog tore your leg off. It finished you off by grabbing you and bashing your head against the stone walls. (Ending #4)

If you chose...

C. "(Y/N)! We need you on the Thunderclan patrol!" A yowl shouted your name from across the camp. It was Hailstar, gathering the cats to help Thunderclan.
You bolt over to him.
"We can't help Thunderclan! We can barely help our selves!" You protested.
Lilypad, Junipervine, Mistystream and Cloudfur was standing behind Hailstar. They were all covered head to to pads with deep scars.
"You're right, go tell Thunderclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan too retreat from the territories! We don't know if more dogs will come."
Retreat! From the territories! This our home!
Not wanting to disobey the leader, you bolt out of camp. In the background you could hear Hailstar telling his cats to retreat.


Your shoulders and legs ached as you bolted through the forest floor. You could hear screeched and dog howls from everywhere around you. Dog barks and yips echoed in your head.
Not even caring about the scent markers, you dashed over them, heading for Shadowclan camp. The cries of agony became louder and louder the closer you were to their camp.
Bursting through the camp, your eyes meet a horrifying scene. Terror and shock ran through your body, as well as fear and adrenaline.
Inside of the Shadowclan camp lay dead cats, only about ten cats survived the horrible attack.
The dogs were now gone but many cats' eyes were still wide open, their pelt bristling.
Cats moaned over their lost kits and mates.
Kits cried with out their mothers or fathers. Amberfoot, the deputy of Shadowclan, was looking over their deceased leader. No one seemed to notice you standing at the entrance.
Plumkit, a black she kit, lifted her head from her mothers fur and glanced at you, sorrow filling her gaze.
"What's a Riverclan cat doing here?" The kit said sadly, before placing her head back into her mother's fur.
Only about five cats lifted their gaze into you.
Amberfoot padded up to you with hostility in her eyes.
"Who are and what are you doing here?" She demanded.
Before responding you dipped your head in respect.
"I am (Y/N) of Riverclan. Hailstar suggested we leave the territories. There might be more mean and vicious dogs heading our way, only more blood will be spilled."
Amberfoots eyes soften and she nodded.
"Redpaw, gather all your herbs."
The medicine cat apprentice nodded and headed to her den.
Amberfoot leapt onto a tree stump and announced,
"Cats of Shadowclan, our life here is over. If we do not leave now, only more of you will die. Do your paws travel with your leader, or do you choose to stay where you will not survive?"
Her cats exchanged nervous glances, but nodded.
"Hailstar said we should meet up at the gathering place, to discus where to go."
Amberfoot dipped her head,
"But first I must receive my nine lives at the Moonpool."
You nod and leave the cats to their mourning.

Your next stop was Windclan.
As you sped through the forest you half expected there to be howls and barking, but all was silent.
Not a meow or woof was heard. Curiously pricked your pelt, and for some odd reason you felt the need to tip toe.
Sneaking your way in Windclan camp, you prepared your eyes to see a gruesome scene, but you saw even worse.
Not a single cat was standing. They all lay dead or unconscious on the ground.
Carefully stepping around the fallen bodies you make your way for the medicine den.
In it was the deceased body of Honeyvoice.
"Honeyvoice! No!" Tears escape your eyes.
She had deep and horrible wounds across her face, stomach, and back.
Ripping your eyes from your dead friend, you started toward the nursery.
Once you stepped in, dead kits and queens lay on the floor.
You sat there, quivering, when a kit crawled out from under a moss nest.
"Momma?" She asked.
Your eyes dart toward the grey and brown she kit.
She slithered back under the best when she realized it wasn't her mother.
"No, no please come out." You plead.
She reluctantly comes back out, her eyes filled with fear and grief.
She had a pale grey coat, with splashes of dark brown. Her paws were a pure white, and eyes a pale blue. She also had small dappled of white splatters across her back and tail.
"Where's momma?" She asked.
"Your mother is dead, I'm sorry."
You expected her to burst into tears, but she seemed numb to the thought of death.
The small kit curled up in between you legs and a small tear rolled down her cheek.
"Don't worry, you'll be safe with me."
She nodded and you picked her up by her scruff.
"Is anyone else alive?" You mumbled.
She gave a sad shake of her head.
Sighing you carry her with you to Thunderclan.

Same was with Thunderclan, no cat alive. Only two young apprentices by the names of Beepaw, and Ebonypaw.

As you reached Skyclan, the only survivor was a senior warrior called Riptide.
Beepaw, Ebonypaw and Riptide followed you to where the other clans were gathered.
All eyes turned to you as you carried in the last survivors.
"Let the gathering begin!"
Hailstar and Amberstar sat on the thick tree branches.
"We cannot stay here anymore! These dogs have torn down our lives, homes and clanmates. If we fight back, only more of your friends will die. Our life here is over. If we do not leave now we will perish. Do your paws travel with your leaders, or do you choose to stay where you will not survive?" Hailstar announced.
Cats yowled out something along the lines of,
"We find new homes!"

"Leave the forest!"

"This isn't our home anymore!"
Hailstar nodded but looked puzzled.
"Where will we go?"
Amberstar spoke first,
"We travel still we find a new lake and a new forest."
All the cats yowled in agreement. Hailstar nodded and rose to his paws.
"Shall we move now?"
Amberstar nodded.
"A new home we shall find."

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