1-She's mine!

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"We're here!" Squeals Zoe, clapping her hands as she grins out of the car window.
Elliot raises his brows at her and then looks questionably at Bella.

"Don't look at me!" giggles Bella, "She's never been to a ball before, let her be excited." She tells him with a smirk. "Just because your antisocial doesn't mean she's ever going to be." She laughs at him.

"We might even find our mates here." Zoey's adds, her excitement now contagious as she looks at her friends with wide blue eyes.

"I'd really rather not." Reece grumbles leaning his head back on his seat. His response earns an eye roll from Zoey.

"Oh shut up you. Your mate is the person made for you. Why ever wouldn't you want to meet them?" Zoey scowls at him but he doesn't get the chance to reply.

"Oh look. We're stopping. Looks like your going to have to stop bickering now." Elliot interrupts with a cheeky grin, opening the door to let Bella and Zoey out first before Reece and himself join the girls outside the castle like building.

"Well, you ready Zo?, Your first ever mating ball?" Bella's says excited for her friend. Zoey nods quickly and loops her arm with Elliot dragging him in behind her making Bella laugh.

"Shall we?" Reece offers the crook of his arm to Bella with a charming smile set on his face.

She returns the smile and loops arms with one of her oldest friends, letting him lead them into the party.
"Do you really never want a mate Reece ? Like ever ?" She glances up at him worried.

He sighs sadly staring at her from kind blue eyes, "One day. One day Bells."

His answer satisfies her and she drops the subject giving his arm a reassuring squeeze and they walk to meet their friends.

"Oh.My God. This place is amazing!" Zoey finishes wide eyes flying around the room of which the ball was taking place.

"It's pretty wonderful." Elliot agrees quietly, enjoying Zoey's child-like delight.

"Hey Zo, come to the ladies with me ?" Bella nods across the room gesturing for her friend to join her.

"Oh,yeh course." They turn and go to head towards the ladies before Bella clumsily crashes into the man walking up behind her.

"Shit." She mumbles and he grabs her arm to steady her. "I'm so sor.." She glances up meeting his eyes and freezing.

The dark haired man stares back at her, his intense eyes staring straight through her. Both of them lost in a world of their own.

Elliot realises what is happening and gasps grinning at Zoey who shares his expression and gestures away from them to leave them in peace.

"Would you like to dance ?" Harry offers his hand to Bella. She is about to accept when Reece who hadn't left with his friends yet grabs her waist and pulls her behind him, glaring at Bella's newly found mate  which causes him to erupt in a snarl unfortunately bringing  a lot of attention to the small group.

"Reece! What the fuck are you doing man?!" Elliot shouts and Bella attempts to pull away confused.

"What the hell? Reece?" She questions shocked trying to pry her friends arm from her waist looking back and forth at her fuming mate.

"Let her go!" Shouts Harry, glaring ferociously down at Reece. The boy who was with Harry before quickly leaves a red head at a table and joins Harry's side.

"He's a monster Bella. He doesn't deserve you." Reece glares back holding Bella closer to his side.

"What is going on?!" Connor questions confused peicing together that they were mates on his own.

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