Lovable Idiot

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It was a cool sunset. After a wave of shopping at random marketplaces, Fugo and Narancia stood by the railing at the blonde boys apartment. Wave's crashing together added a sense of calmness among them both. The breeze was just right also. Stars began peeking out, making the sky look somewhat pretty. 

The cheese boy hated nighttime. It reminded him of the feeling of being lost , which he promised to himself to never feel again, along with regret. His parents set him up to become a successful man in society, but here he is now. A tear ran down his face, but he wiped it quickly. Narancia, on the other hand, was the polar opposite. Good looking, cute, happy (most of the time). Fugo was almost jealous of the kid's generally playful personality. How does he do it?

"Wow! Look at this view," He looked over to see the other staring out at the endless sea. He was smiling, which made Fugo blush a bit. Then his tone became a bit more serious."You have a nice place, really soothing yanno? A break from everything with Giorno and the gang." Fugo got up and went inside, leaving Narancia alone.

He sighed. "That kid Giorno," he spoke to the sea, "he's a good guy, I feel like he has potential. Good vibes...good vibes."


Meanwhile, Fugo was almost ransacking his own place for his gift. For context, Fugo bought Narancia a necklace with an orange charm earlier today. He planned on confessing his feelings that he hid for too long. Ever since he began tutoring him, the blond could feel himself slowly falling for the noirette. He felt happier, while being a bit annoyed by the other one's math skills. He's such an idiot, he remembers thinking, I think I love him.

"Aha!" A dark green box with "amore" embroidered with gold thread. Love. There it was. He stuffed it into his pocket then slid open the door. A cool breeze hit his face, making him flinch. Cold

His heartbeat was getting faster and faster by the second. The other was still looking back at the beach. He wore a cream colored sundress with vines decorated at the bottom. It was perticually feminine, but he didn't mind. People called Narancia a girl all the time to the point where he just accepted it. It was flowing with the wind, making him look oh so beautiful. Fugo got himself to speak.

"Hey, um, Narancia?" It was only a mumble. The other turned around. How did he hear that?

At this point, it was nighttime. The only light was coming from the apartment and little lamposts near the beach. 

The other smiled softly. "Oh, you're back! Why do you look so nervous? Is something wrong?" Narancia began to walk towards him, 

But Fugo quickly replied, "No, I'm fine. Uh..here, I got this for you.." He began blushing so much. The orange boy opened the box. Fugo's never been so nervous in his life. What if he hates it? He'll never love you. Some voice said. He tried his best to ignore it, but it just got louder. Pathetic, useless, pussy.

Despite all that, a smile quickly grew on the boy. "Aww it's so cute! I love it! Can you help me put it on?" Now this caught the other off guard. Fugo went up to Narancia and clipped the necklace on. They were inches apart. 

Then, Fugo began his confession. "Nara, I have something pretty important to tell you," His voice began shaky. Pannacotta, get ahold of yourself!  Nara began looking deep into his eyes. God dammit, his eye's are so bright....stay focused!  He sighed."Narancia Ghirga...I have never met someone as beautiful and cheerful as you. You brighten up every room you walk into, and make me feel happy, for once in my life." GET TO THE POINT! "Nara...I think I love yo-" 

Narancia pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. Nara tried to slip in tounge, but Fugo pulled back quickly. "Haha! Should've seen your face!" He had a light blush that lit up his face a bit. Cute.

Fugo began to get mad, "Hey, this isn't a joke!" Narancia kissed him on the cheek to shut him up. His face got even more red.

"Love you too, PanPan. Now that we are technically together, can I try something I always wanted to do?" Fugo tilted his head. "Yes? Okay, follow me!" He forcibly grabbed the cheese boy's sleeve.

"But I didn't say-" Too late. He was pushed on the bed. Narancia got on top on him and began kissing his neck. It felt...good.

"God, you're such a fucking idiot.."

FugoNara DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now