"Hi, I'm Aunt Nat. Any last words?"

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Hellooooooo long time no see you beautiful people. Hope you all are staying safe and healthy during this pandemic.

I know, I've been gone for a long time..cough, I've had no motivation. So sorry bout that. I've decided that since I've done a chapter with Loki, Steve, and Bucky..I'll do one with Nat. You're welcome.

Coming up with new ideas for field trips is difficult when you've literally done everything.

Peter is going to the moon next chapter.

Alright enjoy, and don't be a ghost reader. Your comments are the only thing keeping me from completely ending this book 🤩🤩

2315 words

3d pov (I think) 💀
Natasha was always the first one awake in the penthouse. No matter how tired she was, she would always wake up first.

Her waking up first is quite surprising, considering the fact that Steve Rogers wakes up every morning at 6 am on the dot.

Natasha runs on four hours of sleep, and somehow always looks amazing right when she awakes. Nobody else in the penthouse could relate.

Nobody can compare to Nat.

Anyway, Natasha has stretched her muscles, and quickly got up for the day. She had walked to her closet and threw on a casual outfit.

She had gotten herself ready in a record time, and made her way out the door, and down to the kitchen to make breakfast for her favorite, and only nephew for when he awakes.


Peter woke up from his dream, and rolled over, and slowly opened his eyes, and immediately closed them again.

He's tired.

"Why are my eyes so tired right when I wake up," Peter whined, his voice groggy. "Why can't I just wake up, and my eyes don't hurt. That would be great," Peter continued ranting.

He groaned, and opened his eyes again, and looked at his clock. Its 7:14 am.

Peter got 7 hours of sleep that night, which was good considering he normally gets 5-6 because of his nighttime activities.

And no, not those activities you weirdo. He was out 'spidermaning'.

He slowly rolled out of bed, and stretched his muscles.

He walked to his closet and grabbed a white tee, along with a blue flannel, a darker blue jacket/hoodie, and beige-ish pants.

He quickly put that concoction of an outfit on, and looked in the mirror. "Wow. I look hot as always," he mumbled sarcastically, and checked his arms.

Peter always layers up to cover his muscles.

He then grabbed some shoes, and then walked to his bathroom to make himself look somewhat presentable.

Peter is adorable. He decided to leave his curls natural, and untamed, but still combed through them slightly.

He grabbed his bag and walked out of his room and down the stairs.

Natasha looked towards the stairs as she heard peter come running down them, nearly face planting, but it's okay because he's Spider-Man.

Nat smiled softly as peter walked into the kitchen. "привет маленький паук," Natasha said softly, giving Peter a warm smile.

Natasha was quite fond of peter, and has always had a special place for him in her heart, and they're also extremely close.

"Hi Nat!" He said all smiley.

Peter Stark Trip To Stark Tower ~ discontinued/deleted Where stories live. Discover now